One may ask, what is the maskirovka, it is Russian for the masquerade. I'm not talking about a masquerade ball, but there are similarities. Disinformation, misinformation applied as a strategic and tactical plan of action. The maskirovka is a Russian tried and true military principle of warfare and politics. Not many articles are wrote about this tactic and principle, however it is applied frequently and practiced widely. In simple terms, it is the masquerade, what seems to be the case, is not, what seems to be the truth, is not, what seems to be situational reality, is not. It is a strategy and tactics of a principle to deceive in order to win a battle, to win a strategic or tactical advantage in war or a political contest. True or false, an article about the maskirovka as it applies to Russia. http://www.qi.com/talk/viewtopic.php?t=7495&start=0
Military and political application of the tactic, http://wheretheresawilliam.blogspot.com/2007/10/maskarovka.html pictures and article, http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/10/26/africa/26syria.php . What you see in the later article's pictures and words are purposeful and deceitful, the maskirovka applied. Can you spot the mask, the deceit? It is there, and it is very revealing militarily and politically if you take into context what allegedly occurred to this nuclear complex in Syria and the implications on world politics and stability. Is the building allegedly bombed camouflaged in the right picture? Was the site actually attacked? How many large bunkers do you see and was equipment moved into the bunkers?
Our nation applied the principle of maskirovka in their justification for the invasion of Iraq and in subsequent occasions concerning the issue of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The true story of the WMD in Iraq is not what most think, it is a lie upon a lie upon a lie, the WMD were in fact found and are documented, but not "yellow cake uranium." A Tom Clancy thriller could be wrote about the application of the strategy, tactics of this principle and the subsequent results. The facts concerning the strategic application of the maskirovka are very chilling, taking into consideration our current world situation and the historical events of the past 2 decades and particularly the past 8 years.
Most Americans have been lead to believe that Russia's Army is demoralized and its equipment rusty, falling apart and no match for our superior fire power and technology. Is that true, is this a case of Maskirovka, but from which side? Watching the state of readiness and the technology depicted within this You Tube Video and the several other videos leads one to wonder about the state of military readiness and combat equipment of our old adversary, Russia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEGr4QXHJG4&feature=related I wonder who is applying the maskirovka?
The maskirovka was and is alive and well in Alabama with the Don Siegelman affair. Fortunately our Republic is alive and well and Mr. Siegelman is a convicted felon. Regardless of the attempts of the Democrats at implementing the strategy of the Russian Maskirovka.
It appears the TVA and now the NRC are applying the concept of the Maskirovka to facilitate the construction of the Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant and provide the nuclear power construction industry the billions and billions of government dollars a Bellefonte Nuclear project will cost.
Good article, arklite. Tell me about this site. Is it yours? I'm no longer a member of NAN as you probably noticed. Have been following some of your posts on al.com. I thought it was you and I was correct.
Yes, this is my site. My opinions, thoughts and facts concerning our world around us.
Some say if you drink "Stoly" the Maskarovka becomes more visible, hehehe, insert a quite snicker.
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