"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Facebook, City of Scottsboro, Developers of Stonebridge Subdivision -- Censorship - Conspiracy? META DOES NOT SUPPORT OPEN GOVERNMENT?

More on the Stonebridge debacle. WHNT Ch 19 Video https://youtu.be/QXgZ5cZk9ws?si=baEo9vGA2bM6ScMs  As a note, many thanks to the City of Scottsboro for posting their city council meetings on You Tube.

 I'm wondering why my Facebook account got suspended Friday, Sep 6, 2024, weekend prior to Monday's City Council meeting, for reposting the City of Scottsboro's Aug 12 You Tube City Council Meeting video, reposted by me on August 19. My belief, this was accomplished to block citizens viewing video other than the City of Scottsboro's You Tube video posting. My account was reinstated yesterday after a demand request and informing META they are wrong and made a false accusation against me, for their actions and involvement in government operations, namely a censorship conspiracy coinciding with government and/or private developer actions. I do not believe this was a coincidence. Although a private business entity, such as META, can't be held accountable for censorship, unless there is a conspiracy with private developers or government officials. 

Reference, quote from FACEBOOK: ------------------

"Community Standards Cybersecurity"

We don't allow people to try to gather sensitive information from others." "Sep 6, 2024
We removed your post
Updates on this decision"
"Why this happened.
It looks like you tried to gather sensitive information from others."
"Garry L Morgan
Aug 19, 2024
City of Scottsboro Council Meeting, zoning hearing. https://youtu.be/41AfOzVLegU?si=5PDQDP7f0KA_aC9r
You shared this on your profile
This goes against our Community Standards on cybersecurity." ---- The Mayor of Scottsboro, City Council President and City Attorney were provided a copy of this action Friday. City Council President and the City Attorney replied, the Mayor offered no reply.  

META is threatening more action against me for posting my concerns about the City of Scottsboro's actions, reference approval of the subdivision rezoning. I guess reposting Scottsboro City Council video is a threat to cybersecurity according to Facebook/Meta and others. The threat is the repugnant, ignorant folks attempting to end the concept and laws regarding open government.

 No where in this policy does it state that open government or reposting government meetings videos violates META/Facebook policy.

Scottsboro's September 9, 2024 City Council Meeting https://youtu.be/2oj0hBu0vIs?si=ByUmI_UAyjh_Uov3