It seems the Korean Forces Commander, Gen. Bell (1st picture), has recommended that the Korean tour be an accompanied tour. An accompanied tour means family members will travel with Service Members to their assignments. This will also mean a tremendous expense of building housing, schools and other family member support facilities. Currently the Korea tour is a 1 year tour without family members. We are still at war with North Korea, both sides are currently participating in a cease fire. http://www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=49246 Border clashes occur much more often than the public is told, such as this one last year. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,292206,00.html Sources inform me there are 2 border incidents per month. The border: http://ah6hy.htohananet.com/korea.html The 2nd picture is that of the "Bridge of No Return." An Army Officer lost his life in this location in the late 1970's, several other soldiers were injured when North Koreans attacked a group of U.S. Military clearing shrubs and trees from the South side of the bridge.
Sending military family members to Korea is a mistake, we are still at war with North Korea, a fact that the U.S Forces Military Commander in Korea seems to have ignored.
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