The Jackson County Commission meeting, normally held in Court Room 1, was moved to the Commission Board Room due to an extended District Court Docket.
1)Agenda and previous minutes were approved. 2) First to speak was Victor Manning, EMA Director on the subject of a Hazard Mitigation Grant and Federal NWS Grant. Apparently there was confusion about the proper grant which was not subbmitted thru to the National Weather Service (NWS) for a 100% funded grant for an Emergency Warning Transmitter connected to the NWS warning system for emrgency weather warnings in the rural areas of the county. Mr Manning reported that the 75/25% grant had been rejected by the previous County Commission. This matter will be discussed at the next work session. 2) 2 items on the consent agenda were approved for the total ampount of $6155.12 .
New Business: 1) Motion to accept Parrett Trucking Settlement approved. Parrett Trucking had originally been required to pay tax money from the purchase of out of state truck purchases from 1998 to 2002. This decision was reversed by decisions in Federal Courts. The county will be required to pay approxaimately $37,900 back to Mr. Parrettt. Mr. Parrett agreed to accept 3 installments of the repayment over 3 years so as to not create a hardship on the county in times of financial distress. 2) Public Hearing set for Nov 19, 2009 to consider the issue of allowing D & E Mining the right to mine coal from under the current right of way of Co RD 81. Ms. Manning, current County Engineer as well as the previous County Engineer have remarked, in their opinion, "mining close to the road way, 15 feet, was an unsafe act." The current right of way extends 50 feet from the edge of the county right of way. Further comments from the commission indicated there were concerns over safety of children on school buses as well as citizens traveling the area. 3) Motion to continue a 5% Tobaccoo Stamp discount to tobaccoo vendors was approved. 4) Motion to approve a second work session to be added in order that county business could be discussed prior to decisions was not approved, Commissioners Allen, Smith and Stone voted no. It was brought up by the Chairperson of the Commission and confirmed by the Administrator that Commissioners are not comming in to sign bill payment requests which are resulting in late fees being assesed to the county. 5) Motion to approve Nov 27th as an additional Holiday was approved. 6) Motions to approve December 23, 24 and Dec 31 as holidays died for a lack of a second. 7) Motion to approve the Dec 31, 2009 resignation of Ms. Jane Stump from the EMA office was approved. 8) Motion to approve David Bogue to attend the County Revenue Officers Association meeting Oct 30, 2009 in Montgomery was approved.
An Executive Seesion was approved. The commission adjurned into an executive session to discuss possible litigation. Upon reconvening motions were made and approved concerning an Attorney Generals Opinion related to Public Works Contracts.
Huntsville Times report on meeting, focusing on Parrett Trucking tax refund: http://www.al.com/news/huntsvilletimes/local.ssf?/base/news/1256634984101690.xml&coll=1
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