The Scottsboro City Council Meeting last night was held in 2 parts. The first was a continuation of last Monday nights regular City Council Meeting, the work session was held afterwords.
City Council Meeting Continuation: Approval of 90% of the FY 2010 budget, Alabama law prohibits all of the budget to be approved in one session. The other 10% will be approved at a later session. The total amount of the FY 2010 budget is $18.6 million. City employee step increases were approved along with a 2.5% Cost of Living pay increase.
Work Session: 1) Pro Bono Law Week declaration discussion, to be held Oct 25-31. Huntsville Legal Aid Office provides free legal services in this area for those who can not afford an attorney. They have a very long waiting list. 2) Bid opening for removal of 100 tons of recyclable material from Scottsboro Solid Waste. It was reported that 2 bids were received, Recycling for Scottsboro submitted a bid for -$5.00 per ton pick up cost, Traylor Group submitted a bid for $5.25 per ton payment. It was reported that recyclable waste is being stored due to a negative market return on this material in the past few months. Cardboard is not affected by this contract. Traylor Group was the high bidder at $5.25 per ton. 3) Rec Com Cleaning bid discussion. The low bidder for this bid was Sundown Services of Rainsville, Al. at $87.00 per day. 4) Rec Com Pool Chemicals Bid openings and discussion. Anderson Pool Chemicals of Huntsville, Al. was the low bidder. 5) Civic Center General Manager Job Description Discussion. 6) Review and discussion of City Drainage Plan implementation which will cost approximately $130K.
Reports: 1) Mr. Bell was absent on official business. 2) Animal Control Center is complete and the parking lot has been paved. The location is scheduled to open next Monday. 3) Phone numbers at city hall will change next week. The change will allow direct access to the person called or direct access to their phone messaging. 4) Discussion on repair of the Rail Road Crossing at the 5 Points Tupelo Pike location.
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