Monday, November the 23rd was a regular meeting of the Jackson County Commission. There were no comments from citizens and officials.
One item was added to the Discussion portion of the agenda per request from Commissioner Jack Smith for the hiring of a County Engineer. A vote was taken and approved by the Commission.
There was one item on the consent agenda, payment to the County Attorney for $3332.35 for services for the month of October, 2009 which was approved
Old Business: 1) The October 26, 2009 commission minutes were approved as received. 2) Minutes from the November 9, 2009 meeting were approved as received. 3) Motion to approve a second work session for the 1st Thursday of each month died for a lack of a second. 4) 2 resolutions for the Council on Aging and the Alabama Department of Transportation was approved for the continuation of Bus Service in Jackson County. 5) Amendment of the Coroners Budget in the amount of $13,344.00 for insurance premiums back to March 2007 was approved. 6) Motion to approve and advertise position for a Road and Bridge Foreman Grade 7 for the Public Works Department died for a lack of a second. 7) The hiring of 2 additional full time Sheriff's Deputies for Courthouse Security was approved.
New Business: 1) Placement of "No 18 Wheeler Truck Signs" were approved for county Road 93. 2)Request from the Town of Paint Rock for the Public Works Department to work on Keel Street was approved. The town will reimburse Public Works for this project. 3) Exception to decrease the Right of Way on County Road 81 for the purpose of mining was disapproved. A motion was made and approved to maintain a 100ft right of way in the area proposed by D& E Mining to mine on County Road 81. 4) The Sheriffs Budget was approved for amendment in the amount of $2259.53 for Deputy Bobby Wilbanks' pay increase.
The Commission approved an Executive Session to discuss a legal issue. Upon return the commission voted to approve the County Attorney to submit a request for a Declaratory Judgement in the Circuit Court of Jackson County involving a contract dispute.
Discussion by Commissioners: The issue of hiring a County Engineer was brought forward, motion was made and seconded to hire Greg Richard as County Engineer at the pay rate of the last County Engineer. The vote was 3 to 1, the issue died as in the Discussion portion of the Commission meeting, in accordance with the rules there must be a unanimous vote for an issue to be approved. (Why the commissioners that wanted to hire an engineer did not ask for the item to be included on the agenda during Thursday's work session is beyond me. Particularly after Mr. Clemmons brought the issue up. Mr. Clemmons asked Mr. Smith if he was going to ask for the hiring of an engineer at the work session, Mr. Smith replied that he might. It would be beneficial that all County Commissioners were aware of the procedures of the County Commission's meetings.)
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