Consent Agenda was approved for $3337.50 to the Tennessee Valley Family Services.
Old Business: A) Approval of Minutes from the October 26, 2009 meeting died for a lack of second. (Why were the official minutes of the October 26, 2009 meeting not approved? What is the legal standing for Commission Minutes not approved?) B) Adding a second work session for the 1st Thursday of the Month died for a lack of a second. C) December 23rd and 24th approved as additional holidays. D) December 31st approved as an additional holiday.
New Business: A) Sign resolutions with the Alabama Department of Transportation for Council on the Aging, died for lack of second. (Commissioners play games possibly causing a loss of transportation grant money for senior citizens, another reason why this was motion was not approved?) B) Approval granted to sell a 1997 Ford Econoline for Council on Aging. (Has the property been declared excess property.) C) Approval of Public Works Department Excess Property list. D) Approval to auction of 3 Mack Trucks for the Public Works Department. E) Approval of George "Pee Wee" Mason's retirement effective November 1, 2009 F) Motion to approve the advertisement for a Road & Bridge Foreman Grade 7 for the Public Works Department died due to lack of second. G) Motion to amend the Coroners Office Budget in the amount of $13,344.00 for insurance premiums back dated to March 2007. Issue tabled until County Attorney could review. H) Agenda addition, motion to appoint Harold Brookshire to Personnel Board approved. It was mentioned one position for the Personnel Board remained open.
Discussion Items: Mr. Clemmons questioned the validity of the change in Personnel Policy on May & September, 2009 due to a vote which may have been carried due to improper procedure. The County Attorney stated that he will investigate the matter.
Huntsville Times Story: http://blog.al.com/breaking/2009/11/jackson_co_commission_appoints.html
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