1) Alcoholic Beverage License hearing for Silver Fox Restaurant, 3509 S. Broad St., suite C, owner Larry Smalley, license approved. 2) Approval for the closing of the east portion of Hayes St. for 1st Methodist Church Youth Music Concert. 3) Approval of 3 Job Descriptions, a. Police Records Clerk/Receptionist; b. Animal Control Officer; c. Police Training Officer, Lieutenant's Position. 4) Approval of $81,350.00 funds transfer from the Capital Improvements Account for Civic Center Roof Repair. John Mansville Co. donated the roofing materials for this project. John J. Campbell Co. is the company which won the bid for the material installation. 5) Declaration of Surplus Property at the Police Department approved. 6) Schools and Sanitation Land Fill Bond Refinancing Resolution approved. 7) Resolution of Support for Council on Aging bus transportation grants from state.
A big thank you to the Manville Co. for their donation.
A big shame on Scottsboro Politicians for the hatred they displayed toward each other which has resulted in the rotted roof at the Civic Center. Even discussion of returning the Center back to Goosepond due to the lack of foresight in maintaining the building in a proper condition. Speaking of maintenance of our buildings, what has happened to the maintenance personnel hired and plans to maintain our buildings and equipment?
6 years is a long time since it was identified that the roof needed repairing. Much damage occurred during that time frame. Now the entire roof must be replaced. This is where arguing, bickering and vengeful actions land you. Destruction of government property so politicians may have their way over other politicians costing tax payers money.
Then there were the lies told about staff of the Civic Center. One may forgive past irresponsible actions but it is important that we do not forget the history that led us to our current state of affairs and the officials past and present responsible. It is important to realize why the $83K is being spent now instead of the $40K 6 years ago for a repair.