Gross Waste and Abuse at Bellefonte reported to TVA IG. Violation of Federal Law, Title 31 U.S. Code, Anti Deficiency Act prohibits the Federal government from making purchases without approval or appropriations. There is no approval to build or construct the Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant from either the TVA Board or The Nuclear Regulatory Commission. If the plant is to be built all laws, policies and proceedures will be followed in order to protect the public.
The Anti Deficiency Act applies to appropriated funds. As you know, TVA receives no appropriated funds from Congress.
You are correct, TVA does not receive appropriated funds, they appropriate their own funds via ratepayers paying their power bills. Just as taxpayers pay taxes for our nation and Congress approves appropriations the TVA may not carry forth construction without the approval of the TVA Board.
The TVA Board authorized $248 million for engineering and feasibility studies. That specific resolution can not and does not include construction of major plant components integral to the plants operation since there is no approval to construct at any level.
TVA officials are responsible for obeying the spirit of the law. Unless you are stating the TVA, a U.S. Government Corporation, and their officials are above the law.
The TVA has not authorized the construction of the plant nor has the NRC approved any construction. The steam generators are an integral part of the construction and operation of the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.
Are you attempting to justify gross waste and negligence of TVA officials since 4 years previous the plant and its steam generators were cannibalized and sold? Do you not see the problem with this gross negligence and the reasons why there must be an accounting of such waste and abuse?
This is an important issue as not only is there a violation of Federal Law, a government corporation and its officials are operating beyond the bounds of the requirements of the approval processes established as law concerning the safety of nuclear plant construction.
The citizens of the TVA area have waited since the 1980s when construction was ceased, over 20 years. Why the sudden rush in violation of law and good sense?
Don't you think the Board should approve the project before construction of the plant or its major components begin?
This does not show good faith by TVA officials in their processes of planning and following the law. It sure does not follow anti-fraud waste and abuse policy.
In the study of risk mitigation, often an individual or group of individuals failing to follow established proceedures or laws begins the plummet into the abyss of the nonrecoverable accident.
Do you or the TVA not believe in risk mitigation or following established guidelines proceedures and law relevant to a nuclear plants construction?
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