"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Jackson County Commission Meeting - Public Hearing

The Jackson County Commission, left to right-Mr. John Porter, County Attorney; District 3 Commissioner Gaylon Stone; Distric t4 Commissioner Horrace Clemmons; Commission Chair Sadie Bias; Ms. Sandra Erickson, County Administrator; District 1 Commissioner Jack Smith; District 2 Commissioner Jack Allen.  (photo by G.Morgan)

Yesterday afternoon was a regular meeting of the Jackson County Commission. After the prayer, pledge of allegiance, roll call, acceptance and approval of previous commission meeting minutes, acceptance of current agenda the commission's business began with the acceptance of the consent agenda, there were no public speakers.

--Consent Agenda: 3 items were approved totaling $7451.98:  a) $2887.50 to Tennessee Valley Family Services Inc. for the month of May 2012; b) $4464.48 to County Attorney John F. Porter for services during the month of April 2012.: c) $100.00 in membership dues paid to AAEM, The Alabama Association of Emergency Managers, info link: http://www.aaem.us/aaem-online/node/1

--Old Business
First up was the Public Hearing for the County Animal Control Ordinance issue. Ms. Sadie Bias stepped down as the Chair and allowed Chairperson Pro Tem Jack Allen to Chair this portion of the meeting. 6 citizens spoke concerning the issue in the public hearing. 4 spoke against passing a county animal control ordinance and 2 were in favor of the ordinance.
County Attorney John Porter passes around sign up list for the Animal Control Ordinance Public Hearing. (photo G. Morgan)

The two citizens who spoke in favor of the animal control ordinance had experienced problems with stray animals. Ms. Sharon Thomas told of a person who collects cats and described how the more than 50 felines were a health hazard to neighbors. Another gentleman, Steve Fisher, described how he had been attacked twice and bitten by stray dogs while riding his bicycle.
Ms. Sharon Thomas spoke concerning stray cats. (photo G. Morgan)
Ms. Ellen O'Connor spoke against the animal control ordinance. (photo G.Morgan) She discussed the Home Rule issue, U.N. Agenda 21 including the passage of the Anti-Agenda 21 Act. The orange booklet Ms. O'Connor holds is the U.N. Agenda 21 information booklet. Below is a copy of Ms. O'Connor's presentation, click on image for an expanded view.
On Sand Mountain in Jackson County there are packs of stray dogs, escaped mixed wolf hybrids and coyotes. Some farmers will place mules in with their cattle to help protect the cattle from stray canines, inter-bred wolves and coyotes. At times, hunts to eliminate these stray animals have occurred. Feral canines in packs are a problem. As usual, it is the irresponsible citizens who have created the problem.

Jackson County Sheriff Chuck Phillips speaks about the issue of Animal Control. (photo G. Morgan) The Sheriff stated, "without an ordinance my hands are tied...show me a law which exists now and I'll take action." No one displayed a law which permits the Sheriffs Department to take action and confiscate animals on private property, unless animals are vicious or have no rabies tag.  There are laws in Alabama which relate to threatening animals, here is a comprehensive listing: http://www.animallaw.info/statutes/stusalst3_1_1_3_8_1.htm  .

MY COMMENTS-  Your rights stop when they interfere with my rights. An individual has the right to be secure in his home and property; to protect his or her life and limb, to include that of family and others from attack. Irresponsible citizens are the reason government passes laws to protect responsible citizens from the irresponsible ones.

In the Republic we are a nation of laws, we are not the rabble of a democracy where an irresponsible majority rule. Nor, are we a government where a radical minority exerts rule.

We are fortunate to have the right of redress via government process, e.g the courts, a political process which many times involves the press and the various government entities involved. This is why we must elect responsible, sane and educated leadership to office. Leaders who are not afraid to make tough decisions which support responsible actions of government in support of all the citizens. It is vitally important that our government's leaders communicate with the citizens they represent and in turn it is the citizens responsibility to communicate with their elected representatives. In this area, our government's elected leaders and citizens are lacking.

The animal control ordinance proposition "died on the floor" due to a lack of a motion. The Daily Sentinel report on issue: http://thedailysentinel.com/news/article_cc537f06-b4d1-11e1-a77b-0019bb2963f4.html

--In other Old Business: Jack Allen was appointed to the Jackson County EDA Board. Mr Smith made the nomination and Mr. Stone seconded the nomination. The vote was 3 to 1, Mr. Clemmons voted no. Commissioner Clemmons had nominated himself at the last commission meeting. At that time the motion died due to the lack of a second. Mr. Allen made a motion to table the issue which was approved. My Comment: Mr. Clemmons made a serious political mistake in the nomination of himself at the last meeting. There were other ways to handle the issue. Apparently the majority of EDA Board members have a much stronger influence on the County Commission than the minority on the EDA Board first thought. Daily Sentinel article on this and the other issues: http://thedailysentinel.com/news/article_fcd06f8a-b4d2-11e1-a883-0019bb2963f4.html

In New Business: a) Revenue Officer position was resended in a  3-2 vote with the Commission Chair breaking the tie. b) An issue to authorize the County Attorney to continue the legal action, payment to be taken from Commissioner Clemmons' pay account, relating to the constitutionality of the TVA in lieu of tax issue Local Act died on the floor due to lack of motion. Daily Sentinelarticle on issue: http://thedailysentinel.com/news/article_df2f5752-b4d2-11e1-a4b0-0019bb2963f4.html   c) Approval was acquired for a new oven and tilt skillet for the county jail. d) Approval for the advertisement of a road and Bridge Foreman at Public Works. e) John Kellenberger was reappointed to the DHR Board. f) Approval of 2011 insolvents, errors and taxes to be resolved in litigation. g) County Road 693 was approved for closing after last Thursdays Public Hearing.

Reports: The County Engineer stated $1.3 million Federal Patriot Grant had been approved for road improvements of County Road 17. Weather permitting, work will begin the week of June 18, 2012.

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