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These are my observations and a story about citizens, government, a company and a communications process. A story about people and what they think of government; a story about a company, Dynetics, a good company which employs several citizens of Jackson County in Madison County.
A story about a government agency involvement in business incentives, the Economic Development Authority, EDA - a county agency. The EDA's mission in our government is to assist in the acquisition of jobs for the citizens of Jackson County and in so doing not to waste the citizens money. The EDA's mission is to represent the citizens of Jackson County, not the corporation who may be attempting to locate in Jackson County.
Under the laws of our state the EDA may acquire funds to assist in infrastructure improvements for a prospective business or corporation coming to Jackson County. The EDA may issue substantial tax abatements for the business or corporations benefit on behalf of the citizens of Jackson County. In return for what may amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars,over 10 to 15 years, there must be a substantial return to the community offered by the perspective business or corporation.
Jackson County EDA
In our capitalistic government form, an Economic Development Authority will either support the citizens, business, special interests or themselves. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak. Jackson County has not shown growth since the aluminum mill closed on Goose Pond Island. The effectiveness of the EDA and the Chamber of Commerce is questionable. There is a duplication of effort between the Chamber of Commerce and the EDA, results have been lack luster.
In studying the history of Economic Development Organizations relationships with a given population and the economy of the population one must understand basic concepts of economic systems and their interaction with people, government structure and cost benefit analysis-short and long term.
Within our local system of economic development there is always a trade, citizen jobs for "corporate welfare give aways." There is a point in the economic trade offs EDA managers must evaluate the citizens potential gain. Just as the corporation has a bottom line so must the citizen's representatives in the acquisition of business. The economic development authority must never sell the citizens short for the benefit either of the corporation, known or unknown special interests, or personal benefit. This is where the EDA Board must ask hard questions of its CEO and hold the CEO 100% accountable. If an EDA Board does not hold its executive accountable at all times for its staffs actions then the EDA is not representing the citizens interest.
"It is a great privilege and honor to support the war fighter," says the Chamber of Commerce and the EDA CEO. This old soldier says "hogwash," go sell that song and dance routine somewhere else, possibly at a convention for Defense Contractors. It is the EDA's role and the Chamber of Commerce's role (The Chamber of Commerce receives tax payer dollars.) to represent the citizens of Jackson County in the acquisition of jobs. Spending what amounts to a quarter of a million dollars on 4 jobs within the first 2 years, then the POSSIBILITY of a total of 6 more jobs-MAYBE, does not warrant the investment of a quarter of a million dollars for a "munitions testing range." Job reality in this project: security(3), janitorial (2), maintenance(3) and administrative(1) will equate to 9 maybe 10 jobs max. Engineering expertise, the high paying jobs, are already employed by the corporation involved-Dynetics.
Dynetics stressed safety in their testing programs. They demonstrated, if the property is purchased, testing will be accomplished in the upper part of the Stone-Moody property, in the back of Pinhook hollow.
The interaction of the Jackson County EDA with citizens of Larkinsville is a case study of what not to do when asked hard questions about their role. When the citizens group approached the EDA the citizens were told by the EDA CEO, the EDA fully supports this project. There was no explanation as to a cost benefit analysis nor any conciliatory remarks given concerning the citizens points of view. There was an aire shown, "I'm the government authority, and I don't care what you think." Very bad form and unprofessional on the part of the EDA. Although the EDA did allow the citizens to voice their concerns at July's monthly meeting.
Dynetics managers conducting the briefing failed to recognize Larkinsville citizens in the group meeting. Concerned citizens were told they could meet with us after the meeting.
I observed Dynetics managers and the citizens interaction during the public meeting Tuesday evening, July 24th. The session was an expose of what not to do if you are a corporation attempting to convince a community of why they should be accepting of an organization who will be testing munitions.
Dynetics had Public Relations and Communications persons available, they did not utilize them in their formal presentations. Concerned citizens of Larkinsville were not recognized as people who had legitimate concerns. The interactions of the Vice President and Project Manager was less than professional and designed to diminish citizen group participation. Dynetics management involved, placed themselves into an unnecessary argumentative session which was improperly conducted. Dynetics management present demonstrated a lack of skill in the communications process of group interaction and facilitation.
I stayed until Dynetics personnel were packing up and asked many questions about what Dynetics intended to do with the property. It is obvious Dynetics intends on utilizing the property as a test bed for munitions and it is more than likely the property will be utilized for expanded munitions testing to include high explosive military ordinance.
If the property is purchased it will be impossible to determine if there will be any undesirable fuels, chemicals or waste products utilized or disposed on the site. Dynetics stating the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, ADEM, will inspect them does not hold weight. What will they inspect them for, ADEM does not have the money to provide basic water monitoring and Waste Discharge permitting within our state much less providing high level environmental monitoring of a test range. Dynetics did have an environmental contractor present but the contractor was not able to provide meaningful information.
The most positive aspect of the meeting for me was meeting the employees. The hard working everyday bread and butter employee of the company. The Jane and Joe employees of Dynetics have the capability to sell the public on the company in far greater positive terms than any of the Dynetics Executives present. I'm sure the managers and executives present are experts in their respective fields; experienced and learned communicators in dealing with a group of concerned citizens they are not. The Dynetics managers present did not fully utilize their expert staff present.
Story Links
WAAY TV link
WAFF-TV links about Dynetics:
Scottsboro's Dauily Sentinel links:
When all is said and done concerning this issue a few facts stand out: 1) Dynetics has not purchased the property. The EDA appears, by their demonstrated actions, to be representing Dynetics. 2) Some Larkinsville residents are not supportive of the "test bed project," while other residents support the project. 3) Dynetics has great employees who are offered one of the best benefit packages available to employees in the United States. Dynetics takes care of their employees, a very positive aspect of the company, it is an employee owned corporation. Dynetics provides Information Technology support to both business and government in Jackson County. 3) Are the citizens investment into Dynetics worth the return in this "test bed project?" It is my opinion the EDA has not acted responsibly in this matter. 4) Dynetics did not conduct the session properly. They did not allow, nor moderate citizen participation in the group session. The citizens who do not support the project interupted the presentation, a professional moderator could have resolved the issue if the session had been designed to receive concerns and feedback from all citizens. Dynetics managers during the group session made an informative presentation which was interupted by the group of concerned citizens present. This lack of attention to detail on the part of the engineer managers concerning the informational session ignored standards of communication and group interactions, that is bothersome. 5) The Dynetics managers conducting the informational session did not utilize their communications and public relations staff in an appropriate manner.
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