Ms. Harris is a retired TVA employee and nuclear industry whistle blower who has won six law suits and 5 Equal Opportunity harassment complaints against the TVA and their contractors costing TVA rate payers millions upon millions of dollars. Ms. Harris and TVA nuclear industry workers, who have expressed concerns about nuclear power plant construction safety, illegal documentation (fraud), general safe operations and nuclear industry corruption, have experienced harassment, intimidation, threats and attempted murder.
The below videos chronicle this story which should concern every citizen and elected representative in the TVA area of operations. This is a story of nuclear industry corruption and failed regulatory actions, "The Nuclear Mafia."
Some will say, "oh, that was in the old days of the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's, we don't have those problems now." Attorneys and Ms. Harris say not true, the harassment and threats pointed at nuclear whistle blowers continue to this day.
CBS News Special Part 1
CBS NEWS Special Part 2
NUKES, TVA, Health & Safety, The NRC & the Nuclear Industry. Interview of Ms. Ann Harris, a near 1 hour interview about Ms. Harris' experiances within the TVA's "nuclear money sinkhole." No embedding for this video, You Tube link: http://youtu.be/77vkuPtqN4A
What the nuclear industry does not want you to know about nuclear reactors and nuclear power.
Nuclear power electrical generation originated in the United States as a political plan called "Atoms for Peace." There is no "atoms for peace" program designed to protect the public. It is a plan developed for the purpose of supporting the multinational nuclear industry; an industry whose only purpose is the bottom line profit of the nuclear corporations. Those who support the industry will do anything, and I do mean anything, to support the industry and cover up the sickness and death of suffering nuclear workers, their families and the criminal activity of the "nuclear mafia."
The scene below can happen in any number of our aging, dangerous nuclear power reactors. If it happens at Browns Ferry Alabama - Athens, Decatur and parts of Madison County Alabama will be uninhabitable for centuries. If you live there and survive, you will not have a home to go back to. If a serious nuclear accident were to occur at a completed Bellefonte nuclear facility, which results in a loss of containment - citizens and the children of Scottsboro Alabama would never be able to return.
Currently, local politicians believe everything the TVA and the nuclear power industry tells them. They ask very few questions and apparently are only interested in increased tax revenues. When the truth is presented to local political leadership concerning dangerous, expensive nuclear power, they prefer to take the path of full faith in the nuclear industry and refuse to believe scientists and concerned local citizens presenting facts.
Then, if the risks and hiding of the truth is not enough, there is the millions upon millions of pounds of deadly, radioactive nuclear reactor trash with no solutions of future safe, secure storage.
Over 7 million pounds of the deadly, highly radioactive trash is stored at TVA nuclear plants in the Tennessee River Valley area. Over 3.5 million pounds of the dangerous radioactive trash is stored at TVA's Browns Ferry Nuclear Facility. Most of the radioactive trash is in the three defective, GE Mark 1 Reactors overhead "spent fuel (radioactive trash) cooling pools" with no horizontal or overhead reinforced containment protecting this highly radioactive fuel trash above the "cooling pool" level.
Placing the value of money before human life is not a Christian value and reflects not only bad judgement, but a compromised system of moral values.
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