Alternative news and discussion for Scottsboro, Jackson County Alabama and the Tennessee River Valley as I see it. Responsible comments to articles welcome. As always, "Watch for Snakes," particularly those wearing suits.
"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."
Old Business - The commission approved sub-leasing/leasing TVA property they do not own. TVA was contacted on September 24, 2019 regarding this proposal by the Jackson County Commission. Scott Fiedler of TVA, media relations, replied to me after inquiries stating that permission to lease , sublease etc. would require TVA approval for such changes. Commission Chairman Tim Guffey stated no one from TVA had called him about this issue, contradicting TVA's statements.
New Business - Dylan Smith appointed to the Jackson County Health Care Authority Board. See agenda notes and video for other appointments.
Community Meeting/Town Hall Meeting Jackson County Commission Scottsboro High School on October 7, 2019; more info to follow.
Scottsboro, Alabama - September 23, 2019 Scottsboro City Council Regular Session, Mr. Roy Light Receives Key to the City for His 30 Years of Admirable, Professional Service to the Scottsboro Water Works, Sewer and Gas Board, SWSG, 21 Years as Director of the Board.
Mr Jimmie Green will assume the duties of Director of the SWSG Board on October 1, 2019.
Delegations - Mr. Felix Jackson, Director Jackson County Emergency Management Agency, EMA, spoke requesting the City of Scottsboro provide additional funding for a County Emergency Operations Mobile Command Center. Mr. Jackson stated in an interview that currently the City of Scottsboro provides the EMA approximately $3000 annually.
Agenda Item 7 - Street paving, there are 5 streets scheduled for paving, which includes Gant and Snodgrass Roads. Mayor Shelton commented that the original paving cost would be $263,000 but the amount was now $251,000, approximate costs. Later it was stated the streets would cost $255,000. Total costs of street paving and the Parks Avenue bridge project was stated at $991,000, approximate costs.
4 bid items were approved, Rec Com Cleaning, Pool chemicals, Motor oil, Recycling facility were all approved; agenda items 1,2,4 and 5. The vehicle fuel bid was tabled, agenda item 3. A $30,000 budget amendment was approved for the Vehicle maintenance department, agenda item 6, for $50,000. Budget amendment for purchase of 2 additional new knuckle boom vehicles, $250,000, died due to the lack of second motion. Agenda item 8, budget Amendment for the solid waste department was approved including $40,000 for new computer equipment.
Agenda item 11, Nita Tolliver was appointed to the Downtown Redevelopment Authority.
Agenda item 12, Ms. Mathis, Mr Widgeon and Mr. Corona were reappointed to the Zoning Adjustment Board.
The Executive Session, which lasted for 30 minutes, was held regarding pending litigation as certified by the City Attorney. Mrs Carolyn Starr, Scottsboro City Court Magistrate/City Court Clerk attended the meeting.
Please note agenda items and my notes for more information.
Jackson County Courthouse, North Entrance, photo by G. Morgan
UPDATE - Regarding Agenda Item 1 in the Work Session, transfer of recreational property - lease/license, Sportsman's Landing, to the City of Scottsboro. I have discussed this matter with the TVA, the Jackson County Commission must receive approval from the TVA prior to this property being transferred to the City of Scottsboro as the property is owned by the TVA, not Jackson County.
TVA has confirmed that they have discussed this matter with the Jackson County Commission Chair, Tim Guffey, and informed him that the commission must get TVA approval prior to lease transfer.
Executive Session for discussion of good name and character of employee, out for 26 minutes.
Items 2 and 3 on the Regular Session agenda were tabled.
--Jackson County Recreational Property "License" Lease from TVA, Sportsman Landing, Parcel XGR125PT. Has TVA Approved this Transfer as required?--
Item 1 in the Work Session Agenda - Discussion of proposed transfer of Jackson County leased recreational property from TVA to the City of Scottsboro, property name is Sportsman's Landing. Has TVA approved this lease transfer? I have previously asked about TVA's approval of this lease transfer and have received no answer from County Officials. This property according to TVA has a Jackson County "license" for recreational use, TVA Recreational Parcel # for Guntersville Reservoir - XGR125PT. Change of this property lease agreement in any form must be approved by TVA. Link - The public has not been informed regarding future property use by the City of Scottsboro.
--Scottsboro City Jail Inmate Trustee Temporary Policy Change--
Due to allegations regarding jail trustees and a subsequent investigation into city jail inmate trustee management, the inmate trustee program has been temporarily suspended according to Police Chief Ralph Dawe. Currently there is 1 trustee utilized at the Scottsboro Landfill, all other trustee programs are temporarily suspended. The trustee program will be reinstated soon, said Chief Dawe.
--Agenda Item 1, Development Tax Abatement/Rebate for Economic Development--
Agenda Item 1 regarding a tax abatement/rebate for Economic Development involving a 10 acre development project on John T. Reid Parkway, U.S. Hwy 72, by Hutton Development of Chattanooga, Tn. The property being considered for the development project is between Dunham's Sporting Goods and Kentucky Fried Chicken, former Shoneys and the #1 China Restaurant including the land behind the former restaurant location. The Hutton Development proposal involves developing property at that location for a fast food restaurant and further retail use. The property is currently owned by Garcia Properties.
Rumors have been circulating that the location would be utilized for a "Chick-Fil-A" restaurant. Hutton Development personnel in an interview after their city council presentation did not disclose a specific company site usage regarding a fast food restaurant at the proposed location.
Robbie Copenhaver, franchise owner of the local Captain D Restaurant, spoke during the delegation portion of the council session in opposition to a restaurant tax abatement at that location. Mr. Copenhaver's presentation may be seen at the end of the city council video below.
--Billy Jack Kirby on Cecil Street Truck Route vs Porter Road--
Billy Jack Kirby made a presentation regarding the Truck Route at Cecil Street. The citizens living on Cecil Street oppose Cecil Street as the Truck Route. Mr. Kirby brought forward an agreement between the State of Alabama and the City of Scottsboro regarding Porter Road as the Truck Route, stating the Mayor of Scottsboro in 2012 signed an agreement with the State of Alabama that Porter Rd. must be designated as a Truck Route. City Attorney Steve Kennamer stated the City Council did not sign the 1995 agreement, further stating: "It takes the council's actions to make it official for the city." Mr. Kirby and Mr. Kennamers dates as to the agreement in question did not coincide with each other.
All Rights Reserved for writings, video, photographs and art by Garry L. Morgan.
U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Rule: "Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, nonprofit educational purposes and research. Link:
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Scottsboro Police Department Web Site
""The police are the public, the public are the police. The police are the only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties that are incumbent on every citizen in the interest to community welfare and existence." - Sir Robert Peel, 1829
The Sunlight Foundation uses cutting-edge technology and ideas to make government transparent and accountable. Click on image to learn more.
"I can say with confidence that the federal government needs a major overhaul. Don’t get me wrong, most public servants in government are highly educated and dedicated professionals who are committed to “the greater good.” At the same time, the government has become a bloated bureaucracy that is based on past conditions and in too many cases, federal programs and policies can’t demonstrate that they are generating real results that benefit the American people."
David Walker President and CEO The Peter G. Peterson Foundation ; former, recently served for 10 years, Comptroller General of the United States and head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).
NPR's story on David Walker:
"public intelligence"
"What is Public Intelligence? Public Intelligence is an international, collaborative research project aimed at aggregating the collective work of independent researchers around the globe who wish to defend the public’s right to access information."
A Nuclear Engineer's Report on the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant
Danger Zone: Aging Nuclear Reactors
Incident at Browns Ferry (PBS 1977)
History of nuclear power safety issues which the 1975 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant fire brought forward. This video has been censored by the nuclear industry. The trillion dollar multinational nuclear death industry prefers to keep you the citizen in the dark and feed you crap.
Renaissance artists including Michelangelo, Sandro Botticelli, Pietro Perugino, Pinturicchio and others. Click on image for a tour. Left click & hold mouse to move image.
Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team/Mothers Against Tennessee River Radiation
"TVA at the Crossroads" a SACE Film.
"America is at an energy crossroads and the Tennessee Valley Authority has a choice to make: Will it cling to old coal power because of its historic significance or will it retire its oldest, dirtiest and least efficient plants and lead America into a clean energy future?" TVA At The Crossroads from SACE.
****************************I'm GARRY MORGAN, a Christian, U.S. Army (AMEDD) retired, Race Relations/Equal Opportunity Specialist (U.S.Army, Retired DOD-DRRI-DEOMI) a citizen of Scottsboro Alabama, a Baylor University grad-Go Bears, a political activist and a political Independent as I believe political parties divide the citizenry whom they are suppose to represent. We must learn the lessons of our history or we will surely repeat our mistakes. I think the greatest problem facing our nation is the massive national and personal debt.