"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."


Monday, June 14, 2021

June 14, 2021 - Scottsboro, Alabama - Jackson County Commission Meeting - Regular Session and Work Session - Filthy Drinking Water Problems - EMA, County Emergency Communications Problems - Open Meetings Issue and Proprietary Information


Jackson County Courthouse, north entrance.  photo by G. Morgan


Issues: 1) Concerned Citizens presentation  about Filthy Drinking Water; 2) Problematic emergency communications system; 3) Improvements on county roads system, see 4 below. 

Issue #4 requires a separate space -  Once again, information is presented in the OPEN MEETING that the engineer requests diagrams and photos not be revealed.

If there is proprietary information which should not be presented in the open meeting, why not place the confidential information in a presentation document/booklet/folder for the commissioners. Apparently the Alabama Open Meetings law takes a back seat to the ridiculous notions of the county engineer in violation of law. Worse, the commissioners and the county attorney fails to remind all involved of the open meetings law. You display a project in an open meeting it is apt to be recorded and placed forward in any and all reporting concerning the open meeting.

The county engineer's presentation and grandstanding of nearly an hour is ridiculous. All that is needed is a summary and all other specifics should be placed in a folder or document for each commissioner to review prior to the meeting, just as the proprietary information should have been placed into a folder for review, commissioner questions could be asked after the engineers summary presentation. Unless there is another problem related to laziness?

In another matter, in this meeting we discover Mr. Venable has been having discussions with private individuals regarding grant availability connected to private property purchases near or in Hytop, Al. for recreation purposes related to the Walls of Jericho. Since when is a county commissioner authorized to act as a special interest representative for real estate transactions involving private parties outside of commission approval? This item has not been presented before the commission previously, however Venable and others have begin project planning and conducting inquiries as to property purchases utilizing State/Federal and local dollars.

Association of County Commissions of Alabama, ACCA, guide regarding open meetings process, some need to review. https://www.alabamacounties.org/resources/open-meetings/

Jackson County Commission Video Link on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=950018682519961&ref=watch_permalink 

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