Political leadership in Scottsboro and Jackson County are not concerned with citizen safety. They have blindly supported a nuclear Bellefonte so they may reap the rewards of increased TVA in lieu of taxes.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reports in the last 45 days the following Serious Incidents or as some say "Nuclear Accidents." Event notification reports may be read at this NRC address: http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/event-status/event/2009/index.html
The NRC reports indicate 14 accidents/events within the past 45 days which in some cases resulted in radioactive contamination requiring the donning of protective equipment, extinguishing of fires in critical areas or reactor scrams. The 2 most serious being a fire and release of toxic gas at the Columbia, Wa. Nuclear Reactor (event #45245) and a release of toxic-radioactive uranium dust into a building where nuclear fuel was being manufactured at Metropolis, Il. (event #45195).
The reports indicate several fires, drunk on duty, pressure leakages, failing equipment, failed communications, tritium leakage, failed cooling pumps and loss of critical safety controls. Event #'s 45245, 45255, 45183, 45013, 45193, 45195, 45196, 45200, 45203, 45207, 45208, 45210, 45228, 45328. There are several other events listed including those involving TVA personnel drunk on duty and less significant events not listed which reflect equipment failures. Less serious events did not require protective measures or reactor scrams. Redundant safety systems did appear to be in working order. However, in some cases it was reported backup safety systems and communications equipment had failed. In all cases of emergency conditions or the report of a critical event the reactors which were at 100% power did successfully trip to a 0% power state.
Nuclear Power is not safe, it is not clean and it is very expensive. It is time the politicians and the nuclear industry stop lying to the public about the safety and cleanliness of nuclear power. Nuclear power is inherently dangerous, this is the reason for the many controls and redundant safety systems. Unfortunately the nuclear industries propaganda machine has consistently attempted to deceive the public concerning nuclear accidents and serious events.
Looking at the information referenced, it is clear that the overwhelming majority of the events reported were not emergencies. Many, if not most, were not even related to nuclear power plants. An analysis of the reports could be done to characterize them more accurately, but it would be a waste of time to do that and send the results since you would be unlikely to post them and even if you did, there doesn't appear to be much interest in your blog, so who would read it.
Wow. Talk about a propaganda machine. This entire article is the definition of propaganda. You are picking and choosing what you want to include. You know if every industry or company had to report events (not accidents, these are not accidents) to a governing agency like the NRC, then you would see many more cases than occurs in the nuclear industry. Take a look at coal mining. See how many people die or get injured per year, then compare to nuclear power. You keep saying that nuclear power is dangerous and expensive, but you give no solutions. Without nuclear power in the Tennessee Valley then there would be blackouts and utility bills would skyrocket. Not to mention the amount of lost jobs. Thousands of people depend on TVA to provide for their families. If you take away their livelihood, then unemployment in the area risies and quality of living decreases. Please next time you want to be so critical and biased against nuclear power and TVA in general, think about the hard working men and women that go to work everyday so that you and everyone else in the valley can be cool during 90 degree weather and not freeze during the winter (rolling blackouts would not be fun during a week like last week.)Try talking to someone who works in the nuclear power industry before you make so many judgments. That's all I got. Thanks for your time.
Thank you for your comment.
A quote from you, "the events reported were not emergencies." You are incorrect, if you had gone to the NRC site and referenced the data of the events listed, particularly those identified as "the most serious," you would have seen some of the events listed were in fact declared official emergencies. The fact protective gear was required to be worn also indicates an emergency. Fires, toxic gas release, systems failures and airborne radioactive materials are in fact an emergency.
In the case of the nuclear fuels plant private contractor not declaring an emergency is a result of failing to adhere Atomic Safety Protocol. After all, I'm sure it was an emergency to the workers that donned protective equipment to prevent them breathing processed radioactive uranium dust in their work area. This is one of the problems of the NRC, requiring private contractors to follow Atomic Safety Protocol and reporting. Particularly when the NRC violates protocol themselves in licensing/permitting procedures.
The NRC has demonstrated cases where they support private contractors or other government agencies instead of safety and nuclear safety and licensing/permitting protocol. The NRC has demonstrated they are not an unbiased agency whose primary concern is the safety of citizens.
The NRC has deceived the public. Cases where this is particularly evident is the nuclear accident at 3 Mile Island and the formulation of "whistle-blower" lists given to the employers of nuclear workers reporting safety violations. The NRC's willing disregard for public safety and policy in the case of the "whistle-blower" disclosure and the deceit in the 3-Mile Island case are grievous violations of public trust which should result in criminal prosecution of those involved.
You are in fact a very uninformed nuclear mouthpiece. My concern is for the safety of human beings, citizens, not corporate greed and the money going into the back pocket of nuclear contractors or politicians supporting nuclear power.
All info listed is related to nuclear power, all events occurred either at nuclear power plants or nuclear fuel facilities.
Thank you for your comment.
Solutions, I have listed solutions to nuclear power in previous postings. Energy Efficiency, solar, wind and the improvement of TVA's antique and aging generation and distribution equipment are answers to TVA's power generation requirements. Unfortunately there is a concerted effort to mislead and deceive the public by the nuclear industry concerning the viability of many renewable/sustainable energy forms.
The updating of TVA's hydro power/generation and distribution system coupled with energy efficiency would eliminate the need for Bellefonte. This would save the TVA billions of dollars. Unfortunately the TVA has placed all of their money into the "nuclear egg basket" and neglected their responsibility to efficiently and properly manage OUR TVA.
All events listed are from the NRC. The fact people die in coal mining does not mean the nuclear industry should deceive the nations citizens due to the deaths that occur in the nuclear fuels fabrication process, including the mining of Uranium.
You are correct, the TVA employs many. Unfortunately the deceit and mismanagement of the TVA is not my fault. It is the fault of those who support TVA deceit in their management style and mismanagement. TVA's "Crystal Palace" deceitful executives are the TVA's worse enemy. They are the ones that have the possibility of costing employees their job.
We are moving into the 21st Century, unfortunately TVA Executives are promoting mid 20th century technology and in some cases operating early 20th century equipment in their power distribution and generation. The TVA's Energy Efficiency/Sustainable Energy programs are minimally token efforts to comply with Federal legal requirements.
If TVA is successful in proceeding with their Bellefonte plans your and my electric power rate will skyrocket. The TVA debt is in excess of $26 billion at this time. The TVA can not afford one reactor much less 4 at Bellefonte. TVA's plans and history at Bellefonte is indicative of TVA's culture of mismanagement and management deceitful practices.
By the way, I talk to several retired nuclear workers who are very concerned about the direction and management practices of the TVA. The engineers and workers who are not former TVA employees are concerned about the TVA due to the TVA's management practices and deceit. Several think TVA gives "nuclear energy" a bad name.
My apology for not replying to your post yesterday but there was an Internet outage due to a cut fiber-optic cable.
I am no where close to "a very uninformed nuclear mouthpiece." I happen to work at a nuclear power plant. Try talking to current workers instead of retirees. The amount of training workers go through and the safety protocols of present day nuclear power have advanced greatly since Three Mile Island and since your retirees have worked in a plant. Three Mile Island and Chernobyl (the 2 major accidents in history) occurred mainly due to humans bypassing or ignoring designed safety features. I feel safe every day I go to work or I wouldn't choose my profession. The radiation exposure I receive is little more than the public receives from background radiation. The other post is correct, most events reported to the NRC do not even involve nuclear power plants. But when something does happen, safety procedures at plants are so complex and thorough that they do their intended job to protect the safety of the public. TVA's mission is to provide prosperity to the valley and if you question that, then look at your retiree friend's houses or cars...ask them if they live comfortably due to their TVA job. Your solutions do not come close to providing the power that nuclear power provides. Have you seen a wind turbine or heard on. The amount of wind turbines needed to replace a nuclear reactor is ridiculous. No one would want to live within 30 miles. Nuclear power is roughly 20% of the nation's power. That would be near impossible to replace within even a 20 yr timeframe. You seem to have a problem admitting that you are wrong on some points. Just remember, it's ok to be wrong sometimes. Don't be so cynical sometimes. Thanks.
Thank you for your reply.
I agree with you that engineering in nuclear power plants have improved resulting in increased safety for employees and primarily the public.
There are redundant safety systems and I also believe that nuclear operators do everything in their power to maintain safety and efficiency on their watch to insure safety of the public.
There is also the appearance of governmental public safety concerns in relationship to nuclear power. I believe those concerns are a facade to facilitate the hundreds of billions of dollars the nuclear industry stands to gain from a nuclear construction renaissance.
There are still accidents, if you prefer events, that occur which result in the release of radioactive materials. An acceptable level of radiation is not a safe level of radiation.
Any radiation source has the potential of causing cellular mutations. Ionizing radiation is cumulative and is compounded exponentially once it enters the natural food chain. Each animal in a food chain that consumes a contaminated item becomes not only contaminated from the source contaminated item but is contaminated further from each substance or food source consumed previously by lower forms of life. What may begin as an unnoticeable level of contamination at a radiation source. This exponential compounding of radiation has a high risk of resulting in compromising cellular mutations at the end of the food chain.
There are several sources of background or natural radiation and of course the use of medical x-rays and medical radiation treatments which are all ionizing radiation and cumulative.
When an additional, unnatural source of radiation is interjected into the environment the risks are further compounded for living organisms. Humans are at the pinnacle of the food chain.
My studies and expertise involve the medical effects of ionizing radiation as well as military Personal Reliability Programs related to nuclear weapons.
I have found in the U.S. Nuclear Power Industry what many would consider serious compromises of integrity in the management process of Atomic Safety related to nuclear power plants.
Since you are a worker in the nuclear field I'm sure you realize there may be no compromise of personal integrity or protocols regardless of what some may think is insignificant. I must tell you, it is my learned opinion that if TVA Executive Management was a nuclear worker if it were within my power I would not qualify them to handle or be around any Atomic Material much less manage an industry involving the generation of nuclear power.
Unfortunately protocol and procedure failures apply to the management of the NRC, a very disturbing fact. If those who are responsible for the management of nuclear programs would intentionally violate Atomic Safety protocols/procedures for reasons of political power, influence or monetary gain, appeasement of politicians or the nuclear industry, those executives should not be trusted for any executive responsibilities or granting of Atomic Operating License or Permits. There can be no, none, zilch, acceptable violations of Atomic Safety Procedures or Protocol in any form or fashion. Whether it is in the handling or creation of nuclear materials, the permitting licensing process or nuclear operations. Each person has a responsibility which may not be compromised. This has been the security standard from day one from where the "dragon was first tickled" to the advanced usage of nuclear power we find ourselves involved at this point in our history. Exceptions and violations have occurred and are unacceptable.
( A continuation of this important post from my comment above.)
Living 4.5 miles from the proposed Bellefonte Nuclear Facility my knowledge does not make me rest easy concerning a nuclear plant operating at Bellefonte.
Procedure compromises, plus the intentional deception of TVA and NRC officials concerning the risks and the reporting thereof to the public is the reason I can not support nuclear power at Bellefonte. My friends and I will utilize all legal means to oppose a Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant.
The TVA and NRC have been involved in a culture of executive management deceit. If they will intentional deceive the public as to Atomic Licensing procedures, risks-environmental and health, facts of nuclear power radiation releases and nuclear fuel dangers they will deceive the public in the case of a much more serious event!!
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