Update: Nov. 11, 2009- Report from the Daily Sentinel http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=e5ada5f1078b3bf7 The project is moving forward.
Unfortunately bigotry and racism remaining in the area seem to be raising its ugly head in opposition to the project. It was reported to me tonight that the Tourism Director of the Chamber of Commerce's job has been threatened due to his participation in this project. This fact was reported to the Mayor, City Attorney, Mr. Hodges and Mr Thomas prior to the City Council meeting. It was decided the presentation would continue. The threat situation was also explained to Mr. Speers after the meeting.
A committee of interested citizens was appointed by the Jackson County Legislative Delegation to study and formulate plans for this Cultural and Historical Tourism project to benefit the citizens of Jackson County. A project of this nature will benefit the community financially by fostering tourism and providing jobs.

Tonight was a City Council work session. 1) Presentation by J.P. Parsons, Tourism Director, Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, concerning Scottsboro Boys Civil Rights Heritage Project. A civil rights interpretive center is being considered to foster cultural tourism. This cultural and historical tourism project was begun in July of this year as a result of citizen concerns initially expressed to the Jackson County Legislative Delegation. The Delegation formed a committee to further investigate and implement this project. Tonight, Mr. Parsons requested use of the City of Scottsboro's grant writer to request funding for this project. Cultural Tourism will result in financial benefits for the community. 2) Jackson County SPCA Donation request discussion. 3) City Employee one time pay raise discussion. 4) Resolution for airport funding discussion. 5) Debra Borders, job description discussion.
My apologies for being so brief in this outline for items 2-5. I am still in shock that one or more influential members of our community would allegedly make threats to Mr. Parson's supervisor concerning Mr. Parson's job. Apparently the threats have been made in the attempt to prevent a Civil Rights Interpretive Center explaining the importance of the Scottsboro Boys Case. Some are more concerned about preserving bigoted ideology rather than learning from the lessons of our history to gain vision for our future in order that we may not repeat the mistakes of history.
Update: Nov 19, 2009- After discussions with the Legislative Delegation, Mr. Roden, Mr. Parsons, Ms. Washington, other members of our community including myself yesterday it is obvious the project will go forward. The Chamber of Commerce Director and Legislative Delegation is solidly behind this plan. It was decided that we will not allow the ignorance of some who would make threats to stifle the positive plans of our group.
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