Work session highlights. 1) Mike Ferry representing the homeowners at Plantation Point made a presentation concerning plans to sell the Plantation Point Golf course.
Main points of Mr. Ferry's presentation: A) October 6 homeowners were made aware that the Goose Pond Colony (GPC) Board, City Parks and Recreation Board, was planning to sell the Plantation Point Golf course.
B) It was pointed out that members of the Scottsboro City Council, Mayor and representatives of the park board met in secret to discuss the issues on 3 different occasions. It was confirmed by the City Council President, Mr. Hodges, the Mayor, Council Member Smith and Mr. Bagget, GPC Board President, the group met in secret involving this issue.
The current Open Meeting Laws of the State of Alabama exempts all Real Property transactions of a government body from disclosure until after the fact. Facts reveal, as disclosed in last nights meeting, the person that sold the Golf Course to the City is the one involved in the plans to lease or buy back the property. Councilman Smith stated he had serious concerns over the entire issue.
Any real property negotiations in this issue could be conducted in secret out of the public eye. The City Park and Recreation Board (GPC Board) is a seperate corporate authority protected and created by the Laws of the State of Alabama. The city of Scottsboro may appoint board members but that is the extent of the city's involvement into this matter.
The serious problems arising from this issue are established conflicts of interest. The First National Bank of Scottsboro holds the loan on GPC which includes Plantation Point. The GPC Board Chair is an Officer of the Bank. The City Council serves as a guarantor of the loans to GPC. The individual or one of the group of individuals the Plantation Point property was purchased is the same individual which is attempting to repurchase the property or gain a lease for the property. The property may not be sold less than fair market value upon submission of an appraisal from a licensed real estate appraiser.
C) Mr. Ferry stated the contracts for the homes sold around the Plantation Point Golf course were sold as "Golf Course Homes."
D) Mr. Ferry stated he was informed the property would be leased and utilized for agricultural use. (My Note: The property in question is in the city Limits of Scottsboro and falls under the zoning of Scottsboro. The changing of any property usage must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Board.)
E) Residents want to be part of the solution but residents are diametrically opposed to the closing of the Golf Course. Mr. Ferry also requested that a resident be appointed to the GPC Board.
F) The home owners of Plantation Point requested a pledge of support from the city council. They requested the following from the city council (1) Prevent Closing of the Plantation Point Golf Course. (2) Insure that Plantation Point Operates as a Golf course. (3) Insure residents of the Plantation Point area are on the GPC Board.
Members of the City council commented they do not want act hastily on this matter. Mr. Smith stated he was not in favor of selling or leasing the Plantation Point property.
The Goose pond Colony web site: http://www.goosepond.org/
Back to the council outline. 2) Judge Don Word made presentation on updating 3 ordinances so that the City Magistrate has the option of accepting guilty pleas and the violator paying a fine prior to a court resolution. The 3 ordinances to be updated were the Noise Ordinace, Window Tint Ordinance and the Move Over Ordinace. 3) Discussion on updating court costs due to the State of Alabama raising costs. The Court fees will be raised by $21.00. Mr. Kennamer, City Attorney, stated the large majority of the court costs goes to the state. 4) Mr. Rick Wheeler, City Finance Director, outlined updates in the City Business License structure. The city will be adding 5 license areas to the local Business License requirements, they are a) Refrigeration contractor, b) Lawn Mowing Services, c) Moving services, d) Consulting Services, e) Automotive Detailing. 5) Police Chief Dawe gave presentation on update of Scottsboro's Radio communication system. The current system is an analog system and it will be required by the FCC that all communications systems operate with narrow band widths by 2013. The City of Scottsboro will be all digital upon upgrade. This will include all radio equipment within the city. The analog system will be maintained as a backup and communications point of contact for older systems in the area. The new update involves 234 radios and 3 repeaters. The total cost was reported to be $180,000. However, a contractor has stated they will offer a trade in if a contract can be completed prior to December 31, 2010. The deal offered was each radio will be given a $150.00 trade in allowance for a total trade in of approximately $35,000 taken off of the $180K total cost. 6) The City Clerk announced the annual State Department of Transportation Airport Improvement Grant. The improvement grant is a cost share grant of which the city's share would be $63,331.00 if approved.
The City Council Administrative committee met with the entire council after the regular council meeting to discuss the proposed "Texting Ordinance." A "Distracted Drivers" ordinance appears to be the way the city is going. There will be specific definitions within the ordinance to describe a distracted driver. Driving distractions may be anything from food consumption to texting or many other distractions. The key is the unsafe operations of a motor vehicle witnessed by a Peace Officer, an example would be weaving or erratic driving.
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