"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Facebook, City of Scottsboro, Developers of Stonebridge Subdivision -- Censorship - Conspiracy? META DOES NOT SUPPORT OPEN GOVERNMENT?

More on the Stonebridge debacle. WHNT Ch 19 Video https://youtu.be/QXgZ5cZk9ws?si=baEo9vGA2bM6ScMs  As a note, many thanks to the City of Scottsboro for posting their city council meetings on You Tube.

 I'm wondering why my Facebook account got suspended Friday, Sep 6, 2024, weekend prior to Monday's City Council meeting, for reposting the City of Scottsboro's Aug 12 You Tube City Council Meeting video, reposted by me on August 19. My belief, this was accomplished to block citizens viewing video other than the City of Scottsboro's You Tube video posting. My account was reinstated yesterday after a demand request and informing META they are wrong and made a false accusation against me, for their actions and involvement in government operations, namely a censorship conspiracy coinciding with government and/or private developer actions. I do not believe this was a coincidence. Although a private business entity, such as META, can't be held accountable for censorship, unless there is a conspiracy with private developers or government officials. 

Reference, quote from FACEBOOK: ------------------

"Community Standards Cybersecurity"

We don't allow people to try to gather sensitive information from others." "Sep 6, 2024
We removed your post
Updates on this decision"
"Why this happened.
It looks like you tried to gather sensitive information from others."
"Garry L Morgan
Aug 19, 2024
City of Scottsboro Council Meeting, zoning hearing. https://youtu.be/41AfOzVLegU?si=5PDQDP7f0KA_aC9r
You shared this on your profile
This goes against our Community Standards on cybersecurity." ---- The Mayor of Scottsboro, City Council President and City Attorney were provided a copy of this action Friday. City Council President and the City Attorney replied, the Mayor offered no reply.  

META is threatening more action against me for posting my concerns about the City of Scottsboro's actions, reference approval of the subdivision rezoning. I guess reposting Scottsboro City Council video is a threat to cybersecurity according to Facebook/Meta and others. The threat is the repugnant, ignorant folks attempting to end the concept and laws regarding open government.

 No where in this policy does it state that open government or reposting government meetings videos violates META/Facebook policy.

Scottsboro's September 9, 2024 City Council Meeting https://youtu.be/2oj0hBu0vIs?si=ByUmI_UAyjh_Uov3

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

April 25, 2022 - Scottsboro City Council Meeting Regular Session, Citizen Concerns Expressed Regarding Rec Com Youth Baseball Programs - UPDATE: April 27, 2022 -Per Report From Public Official - Meeting with Concerned Citizens, Mayor, and Rec Com Director - BALL FIELD CONCESSION PROBLEMS - PHOTOGRAPHS, CLEANLINESS ISSUES - HEALTH SAFETY ISSUE, PHOTOS OF CONCESSION KITCHEN AREA

Scottsboro City Hall, photo by G. Morgan


Citizen concerns begin at 8:00 minutes in video.


UPDATE: April 27, 2022 - It has been reported by a City Council member that a meeting occurred today between Concerned Citizens, the Mayor, Rec Com Director and other public officials regarding problems with the Rec Com Baseball programs. Specific details are unknown at this time. 

Scottsboro Rec Com photo, City of Scottsboro, fair-use rights for non-profit news reporting and commentary

Scottsboro Parks and Recreation Ball Field Complex, photo City of Scottsboro Parks and Recreation, Fair-Use for non-profit news reporting and commentary.
1) Under the grill food contamination, filth, mold, grease on walls, unclean food prep-area

2) Fry Basket filth, food contamination, old oil/grease, old food particles and grease on wall and counter surfaces

3) Appears to be food and grease trap, contaminated with unknown substances, note floor and what appears to be cleaning materials on bottom shelf and floor.

4)  Filthy oil/grease, lots of spillage, oil splatter covering surfaces, food particles present.

5) Utensil Tray Filth, contaminated with unknown substances.

PHOTOS 1 - 5 PROVIDED BY PUBLIC EMPLOYEE REGARDING CONDITIONS AT SPORTS FIELD CONCESSION KITCHEN. Fair-use for non-profit news reporting. Confirmed by City Council member. Reportedly, this disgusting condition existed immediately prior to opening the concessions for the current season. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

January 26, 2022 - City of Scottsboro City Council and Jackson County Alabama Commission Meetings Videos - COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL, THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OPEN GOVERNMENT


Scottsboro City Hall, photo by G. Morgan

City Council Meeting Agenda

1. Consider Downtown Redevelopment Authority Request for Funding
2. Consider Allocation of Funds for 2022 Toyota Series Bass Tournament
3. Consider Request to Proceed with Rezoning for Allen Property
4. Consider Request to Proceed with Rezoning for Crumbly Property
5. Consider Budget Amendment for Tractor Repair for Solid Waste Department
6. Announce Museum Commission Appointment

January 24, 2021 - VIDEO


Jackson County Courthouse, north entrance photo by G. Morgan

January 24, 2021 Video

Jackson County Commission on You Tube, link:https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Jacksonctycommission

Scottsboro City Council on You Tube Link: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=city+of+scottsboro

Monday, January 24, 2022

January 24, 2022 Scottsboro, Alabama - Flawed State of Alabama Hazard Mitigation Plan, Tornadoes and GE Mark 1 Nuclear Reactors, Reported to Emergency Management Agency, FEMA and TARCOG - UPDATE - Jan. 25, 2022 - Reply From TARCOG/FEMA


TVA Browns Ferry Nuclear Facility near Tanner, Alabama TVA info: Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (tva.com) Photo by TVA a US Government corporate entity. Fair Use for non-profit news reporting, education and commentary. 

13 years reporting on the GE Mark 1 Reactors, The TVA Browns Ferry Nuclear Facility saga:   https://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/TVA%20Browns%20Ferry



My name is Garry L. Morgan, U.S Army Medical Department Retired, member of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, BREDL and BEST, Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team. - I am providing feedback regarding a failure to identify a specific hazard, severe tornado threat to the Browns Ferry Nuclear Facility, near Tanner, Alabama, Limestone County, in the Hazard Mitigation Plan, Division F involving North Alabama, and request this failure to identify the significant hazard be corrected. Info below.

There is a serious deficit regarding Hazard Profile Section 4, Division F in regards to Tornado Activity and the TVA's Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN). A near miss occurred on April 27, 2011 in Limestone County. The F-5 tornado took out incoming power to the nuclear reactors, there was one backup generator failure. --- BFN is a GE Mark 1 Reactor design, there are no hardened overhead secondary containments covering the 3 GE Mark 1 Reactors and fuel pools at BFN. The overhead area is sheet metal attached to steel I beams. --- The area experienced no electrical power for an extended period, some areas were without power in excess of 5 days. --- A direct hit of the reactor building by an EF4-5 tornado would likely be a catastrophic event involving all of North Alabama and portions of South Tennessee. A release of radioactive material in the immediate area and downwind would be a high probability. --- TVA's, Tennessee Valley Authority, and NRC's, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, assessment of the event was unreliable, and their reporting accuracy to the public was flawed. ( News Reports of flawed assessments, as reported by nuclear industry specialists: Browns Ferry: Shrinking the safety margin at Alabama's largest nuclear plant - al.com link: https://www.al.com/wire/2013/07/browns_ferry.html  note the sheet metal coverings over the nuclear fuel pool in the photos within the article listed;  and TVA resuming power generation at Browns Ferry nuclear plant - al.com link: https://www.al.com/breaking/2011/05/tva_to_resume_power_generation.html note-there was an emergency generator failure which TVA did not disclose to the public.) --- Failure to include tornado events and mitigation regarding BFN is an error which must be corrected.

Garry L. Morgan, USAMEDD Retired
(contact info redacted, submitted in original document)

April 27, 2011 Tornado Tracks
BEST/MATRR Tornado Track Map, 4/27/2011 - Fair Use for education, news reporting and commentary. 


Thank you so much for providing us with this critical information.

We certainly did not intent to leave this particular event out of the regional document.
While we have noted other tornadic events throughout the region, it seems this one was not reported to NOAA as specifically having impacted the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN).

It also appears that finding this information would have been a bit difficult, as your note states that certain segments of the event were not published to the public.

Are there any additional events that we need to be made aware of regarding any other facilities?
If so, please pass along that information as well.

We thank you again for giving us this evidence and we assure you this event will be added to the regional mitigation document.
(original email document signed)

Sunday, January 23, 2022

January 23, 2022 - Jackson County Commission, Scottsboro, Alabama - Simplified Sellers Use (Internet) Tax Disbursements

Sellers use tax is imposed on the retail sale of tangible personal property sold in Alabama by businesses located outside of Alabama which have no inventory located in Alabama, but are making retail sales in Alabama via sales offices, agents, or by any significant recurring contact or “nexus” with Alabama. Sellers Use Tax – Alabama Department of Revenue
Total Tax collected since January 1, 2016 to date - $3,194,49.64

Friday, December 17, 2021

Scottsboro, Alabama - December 17, 2021 Jackson County Commission, Special Called Meeting - Issues: Roads, Public Works Trucks, Budget, Old DHR Building Usage, Assistant County Engineer Search, Bryant Community Center


Jackson County Courthouse north entrance, photo by G. Morgan.

--Video at bottom of page.--.


County Road 189, near Bridgeport (Click on image for an expanded view.)
Google Maps aerial photo CR 189. Fair Use for non-profit news and commentary.

County Road 189 repairs are expected to be complete by late January early February time frame in 2022. Repairs are expected to cost approximately $1.2 million. 

In other county road and Public Works business, Mr. Jonathan Campbell, Jackson County Engineer, discussed with commission several needs: 1) Road repair budget, very tight, expected minimum need is $4 million dollars. 2) Rebuild Alabama funds may be utilized which involves coordinating actions with smaller municipality Mayors in the county where county roads are within municipal town limits. 3) Public Works truck needs discussed with commissioners. Needs for 9 trucks were discussed which ranges from heavy duty tri-axle, Medium duty, and light duty trucks.  4) Assistant County Engineer hiring process has been underway. There is a specific candidate which is being considered which meets all state and local requirements, the name was not announced today. More information should be forthcoming at the December 27, 2021 meeting.

Use of the old DHR, Department of Human Resources, building was discussed at today's meeting. The primary concern was regarding roof replacement. Studies are to be conducted regarding building usage, public safety, health; it was stated a public hearing would be conducted regarding moving county offices and citizen/business impacts.
Google Maps ground photo, Freedom Lane, old DHR Bldg.. Fair Use for non-profit news and commentary.

Bryant Community Center Usage discussed. Use of the building is of concern, this includes deed restrictions by previous owners which will involve funding availability for the Community Center. It was stated the center now serves approximately 800-1000 meals per month for those unable to acquire meals and food.
Google Maps aerial and ground photo, Bryant Al.Community Center, Fair Use for non-profit news and commentary.

Last item, Opioids settlement, $22K to Jackson County, vote to approve resolution for receipt of settlement funds, approved. It was mentioned that Scottsboro is slated to receive $88K. More info: https://nationalopioidsettlement.com/

Next meeting of the Jackson county Commission will be December 27, 2021.

Fair Use for Merry Christmas wishes - non-profit news, education and commentary, artist/publisher unknown.