Tonight was the monthly business meeting. Normally the GPC Board meeting is the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Last week an information and discussion meeting was held concerning Camp Ground Policy.
Old Business: 1) Marina courtesy vehicle discussion. 2) Update on audit will be presented at February's monthly meeting on the 19th.
New Business: 1) General Manager job announcement closed this past Friday. There were 95 applications. It was suggested that the interviews for the position be recorded for reference in the hiring process. 2) Golf Pro Job Description was discussed and accepted. Also approved and discussed was advertising for the position. It was stated that PGA guidelines and network will be utilized for advertising. The position requires a Class A Professional certification. 3) Special Projects review and discussion. a) Both bath houses in the Campground are being remodeled. b) GPC Golf Course bathroom, on the course, is also scheduled to be remodeled, $750 was approved for that project. c) $2100 was approved for installation of a sewer pump at Plantation Point Golf Course rest room. Considerable work will need to be accomplished including 68o feet of trenching. d) Discussion concerning The Docks Restaurant, a kitchen hood and ventilation system costing $18,362 will need to be installed to bring the restaurant up to code specifications. e) Discussion concerning installation of water fountains on the GPC course. Evidently there are water coolers currently on the course. There was concern expressed over contamination of the water in the coolers. f) Lighting was discussed at Plantation Point and GPC. g) Discussion concerning the need for a bucket truck. Currently maintenance personnel are borrowing a truck from the city when needed. 4) Camp Ground policy meeting discussion. 5) Contract and Lease Policy approved. 6) Spring Fling Tournament and Discussion update, the tournament will be March 13, 14 and 15; Thursday thru Saturday. Practice for tournament will be 11 and 12 March. The course will be closed for the tournament 13-15 March. 7) December Financial Report demonstrated a $39,000 profit. Mr. Mike Baggett, Board Chairman, commented, "...everyone is performing well, we are ahead of budget..." It was also reported that the golf course Pro Shop at the GPC course is overstocked in inventory. Decembers inventory was at $54,000 up from Septembers $39,000. It was stated that the inventory should be at approximately $10,000. Over a period of time the inventory will be reduced. 8) In the Managers Report Golf Carts were discussed. The current golf cart contract expires in January 2009. Comment was made that batteries for electric carts have doubled since the last contract from approximately $400 for the battery setup to approximately $800 for the same batteries. Salesmen will be present at February's meeting for displaying new carts. 9) One citizen spoke expressing his thanks for allowing campground occupants to express thier concerns over upcoming policy changes and requested that the Board remember campers concerns over camp ground policy.
GPC Pro Shop inventory at $54K? Yeah, I can see that especially if they charge $100 for every 3 ball sleeve of golf balls that they have. Give me a break, there's not even half of $54K in there. Smells to me like someone is cooking the books...
Speaking of golf balls, it was reported last night, there are 292 dozen golf balls in stock. Caps, t-shirts, golf shirts etc, it doesn't take much to ring up $54K.
I've been in the GPC pro shop and I've seen their stock...if there's 292 dozen (3504) golf balls in stock I'll eat my golf hat. :<) If it actually was true, that sure seems to be a little excessive inventory for a small pro shop that rarely sells a dozen golf balls to the public. That money could be better spent making improvements to the course/pro shop, or supporting the maintenance department, which is being managed by Chris Settles in an outstanding manner.
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