The Council Chambers were full this evening, there were only 9 empty seats. Old Business: 1) Public Rezoning Hearing concerning property located on Veterans Drive by Daily Sentinel owned by Dr. Darren Barrilleaux, 76.12 ac to be zoned P-1 from R1 & C3, P-1 zoning requires all construction to be approved by Planning Commission. Dr. Barrilleaux spoke briefly, no one spoke in opposition, rezoning approved after rules were set aside. 2) Public Rezoning Hearing concerning property at the end of Snodgrass Rd. owned by Mr. Floyd Barnes. Mr. Barnes spoke indicating he plans to build a subdivision that includes 1/2 ac home sites, town homes and condominiums. Mr. Barnes has requested that the property be zoned P-1. The property is currently zoned light manufacturing, agricultural, commercial with some residential zoning. Mr. Don Glasgow spoke in opposition to the proposal stating that he had a petition which included 23 names in opposition to the plan. There were 15 people that were present in support of Mr. Glasgow. The motion to set the rules aside to vote on the rezoning application died for a lack of second. The rezoning request will be on the agenda at the next council meeting. 3) Bid opening for 2 vehicles for the Planning Department. Harbin Ford was the low bidder for the 2 vehicles at $36,585.00.
New Business: 1)Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance approved. 2) Police Department Ordinance approved. 3) Bid opening for Used Truck chassis for Solid Waste approved for $32,500.00 4) Bid opening approved for new garbage truck for Solid Waste Department purchased from Ingram Equipment Co., for $204,000.00, approximate. 5) Bid opening for Filtration System for swimming pool, cost $36,412.00. committee recommended rejection of bid due to labor costs. Returned to Recreation Department for renegotiation of labor costs. 6) Budget amendment for for furniture and equipment for Assistant City Clerk in the amount of $3500.00 approved. 7) Surplus property approval for General Administration Department, 1993 Chevy Caprice and a scanner, to be listed on govdeals.com. 8) Adoption of new By-Laws for Recreation Advisory Board approved. 9) Mr. Ronnie Dolberry was approved as Street Department Superintendent. Mr. Dolberry has been an Independent Construction Contractor locally for many years. It was reported that Mr. Eddie Blizzard withdrew his name from consideration of the Street Department Superintendent in a letter to the council. It was also disclosed that Mr. Blizzard has withdrew his legal action against the City of Scottsboro. 10) Mr. Wheeler has been appointed as the responsible official for the backup of computer files and storage of information systems data.
Please continue to remember the Mayor and his family in your prayers as he under goes cancer treatment. It was reported that he met with the Department Heads today.
Addition: I'll add this link from the Clarion, http://www.theclarion.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=783&Itemid=1 of particular interest are the statements from Mr. Blizzard concerning pending legal action.
1 comment:
The group that opposes Mr. Barnes development should take a second look at what they are opposing. As the zoning stands at this time a hog farm, a chicken house or a manure/fertilizer factory could be built in the area due to current zoning. The change to P-1 would allow for more citizen input as each construction in the P-1 area would have to be approved by the Planning Commission. The P-1 zone would only allow for a residential area with limited supporting business such as a convenience store then only after approval by City Planners. I was informed that several names on the petition were from households that are not in the city limits in the area of concern. One city council member requested to see a master plan of the area to be developed. That is not necessary to change zoning. This citizen thinks it would be a mistake not to grant the rezoning as the rezoning would actually protect this beautiful lake side community from encroachment from less desirable industrial or agricultural concerns in the area.
Perhaps the good folks of the area should rethink their petition as there is a moral to this story in an old adage, "be careful of what you wish for as you just may get it." In this case, the smell of some animal fertilizer or the rumbling of blasting from a chirt pit/rock quarry could be what they get in the current zoning situation.
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