New Business: 1) New Airport Manager Job Description approved. 2) Warning Sirens bid opening. The low bid approved was for $263,456 awarded to McCord Communications. The Mayor announced during his report that the request for the sirens began in June 2006. A total of 13 sirens will be installed. 3) Bid Opening for Truck Chassis for Street Department awarded to Harbin Ford as low bidder for $24,366.50. 4) Surplus property declaration: 1 item for Solid Waste, a 1987 Chevy truck chassis; 3 items for Street Department, 1975 Ford 2600 Ford Tractor and 2 Caterpillar tractors, one a 1949 model. All items will be auctioned on GovDeals.com. Sale money will go into the capital outlay funds for the department. 5) Furniture for Mayors Secretary's office, total request of $1030 was not approved. There was no motion made for approval, the issue died for a lack of a motion. 6) Sole Source vendor resolution approved for Gulf States Distributors, supplier of Taser stun weapons for Police Department. 7) Council President Keith Smith reported that a letter had been received from Rep. Bud Cramers office concerning fund availability for an automatic weather reporting station and a taxi way system for the airport. It was reported that a request for this funding would be hand carried to Washington, DC tomorrow morning.
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