Old Business: 1) City Audit Report by the auditing firm of Borland and Benefield. The final audit report will be presented to the City council on Sep. 23, 2008. The main concern expressed was the financial condition of Goose Pond Colony and their $6.5 million in debt. It was further recommended that Goose Pond Colony sell Plantation Point and that the City Parks and Recreation Board, GPC Board, be disbanded and the management of the complex be handled as a department of the city. 2) Clark St. appropriation approved for $7500.00; Street Dept to begin work very soon on the project.
New Business: 1) Alcohol Beverage License public hearing, on site sale and off site sale, for City Billiards on Broad St., the "old pool hall;" approved. 2) Property appraisal concerning airport property, tabled. 3) Change Order on Police Station renovation project for $20,178, approved. Reported that the expense thus far on the renovation project is $2,945,222.18. 4) Municipal Judge appointment, Mr. Don Word. 5) Assistant Municipal Judge appointment, Mr. Charles Dawson. 6) City Prosecutors appointed, Ms Patricia Stewart, Mr Brian Rice. 7) Consultant Agreement for lowering city employee insurance costs. Consulting firm to be paid 20% of total cost savings. 8) Bid openings for cleaning Rec-Com rejected. Bids not opened, error in bid specifications. 9) Charity Road blocks approved for Knights of Columbus on October 11, 2008. 10) Vacancies on Museum Commission, 6 vacancies, requests for placement on the Museum Commission must be turned into Mrs. Gail Duffey, City Clerk by 12 noon on Oct. 2, 2008. 11) The Historic Preservation Commission and the Library Board each have one vacancy. Interested applicants for these positions must have applications turned into Mrs Gail Duffey, City Clerk, by 12 noon on Oct. 2, 2008. 12) Caution light for Moody Ridge Rd. and Al Hwy 279 Resolution for maintenance on light approved. 13) It was announced by the Council President that Mrs. Gail Duffey will be retiring on Nov. 3, 2008. Mrs. Duffey has 32 years of Distinguished Service to the City of Scottsboro. Mrs. Duffey is the Director of the City Clerks Association of Alabama. A Resolution was also passed that the City Council Chambers auditorium will be named "Gail Duffey Auditorium."
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