Old Business: Library Board Appointment, Historical Preservation Board Appointment and 6 members of the Museum Commission were appointed.
New Business: 1)Goose Pond Colony Board, Scottsboro Parks and Recreation Board, presentation as to the status of the park and facilities. An applause should go to Mr. Bagget and the Park Board for this presentation. Goose Pond Colony's Debt is down to $5.8 million in 2007 from the $6.5 million in 2005. 2007's total income was $404K with $223K reflected as net income. Since 2006 $400K has been used to remodel and pay down debt. The Board has undertook a policy of fiscal responsibility that should be commended, no further increase in the debt and no more borrowing of funds. It was stated the park is being operated in conjunction with the TVA Land Transfer Agreement. Mr Bagget states he frequently confers with Mr. Rick Wheeler, City Financial Director. Mr Bagget stated it was the boards mission to display integrity and operate the park in a fiscally responsible manner. This was the first such report in over 10 years and sources state this is only the second such report to the City Council in 20 years. 2) 2 Alcohol Beverage License were granted, Expressway Convenience Store, 502 W. Willow St. and Scottsboro Quick Mart on 2307 S. Broad St.. 3) Bid opening for the Rec-Com Cleaning and janitorial service was tabled. Apparently the bid was high, there was a comment from Council President Keith Smith that an employee could be hired at less expense than the bid. 4) Bid opening for pool chemicals, Duffield Co. was awarded the bid. 5)Meal funding for Senior Meals on Wheels program, governmental funding from state and federal sources were cut, the county and city will jointly share the $4320 deficit. The city's share will be $2160.00 which was approved. 6) A surplus property resolution was passed to sell a 15in. Bush Hog which is located at the Solid Waste Department. 7) Resolution calling for a public hearing concerning the rezoning of 1.15 ac of property on Howard St. from C3, commercial to R3, residential. 8) The meeting was not adjourned, it was continued until Tuesday at 11:30 to confirm the new City Council members.
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