Last night was a regular council meeting and a work session of the Scottsboro City Council. The regular Council meeting was a continuation of the meeting from May 26, 2008. Mr. Hodges was out on business, Mr. Thomas served as Council President.
Regular Council Meeting, Old Business: 1) Approval for the Mayor to sign contracts for the FEMA Cleanup due to storm damage. There was a bid opening for debris cleanup awarded to CTS for the amount of $6.25 per cubic yard of debris removed. 2) Asphalt Hot Box purchase approved for Street Department in the amount of $25,699.00.
Work Session: 1) Discussion of Sales Tax Holiday Ordinance to be held Aug. 7-9, 2009. 2) Presentation by Mr. Fred Wallingsford concerning the up keep of Finney Cemetery located off of Bob Jones Rd. near the old Temperance Hill School. Mr. Wallingsford asked for help from the city in maintaining the cemetery. Mr. Kennamer, City Attorney, stated he would need to do a title search to determine the owner of the property. Mr. Kennamer also mentioned that municipal property or services can not be given away due to state law. Mr. Speers and Mr. Thomas stated that the Boy Scouts would be contacted to determine if they could undertake the project. 3) David Thornell made presentation concerning his services as a Grant Writer. It was stated that there is $787 Billion available under the American Recovery and Investment Act. City Attorney stated that the contract for a Grant Writer would fall under professional services and would not require the bid process to take place. It was recommended that the the city "shop" for the least expensive service available for Grant Writing. 4) City Clerk announced vacancy on the Zoning Board. Contact Cathy O'Shields, City Clerk at 574-3100 if interested in this vacancy. 5) Discussion concerning early retirement incentives for several Scottsboro employees that are near retirement. Discussion concerning amount of money that would be saved from early retirements of city employees. It was stated up to $530K could be saved due to early retirements of city employees. 6) Joe Williams made presentation concerning the Weed Control Project on Roseberry Creek. He expressed concerns about damage to the fishery and Bass Fishing tours that have stated they will not return to Scottsboro due to the application of defoliants. 7) Citizen Presentation: Mr. Marvin Holcomb made a presentation concerning the declining condition of boat ramps at North Sauta Creek and Mink Creek. He requested assistance from the city in ramp maintenance for these areas. 8) Reports: Mayor Potter reported that the new Scottsboro Web Site is up and running. Link: http://www.cityofscottsboro.org/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 Check it out, looks great and is a positive reflection on the City of Scottsboro. The Mayor also reported that a property appraisal is needed for the old Police Station and the property behind the old police station.
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