The Monday night meeting of the Scottsboro City Council consisted of a Work Session and a Regular Council Meeting.
Work Session. 1) Pat Blankenship of CCS, Court Collections Systems, submitted request to perform the Court Fees and Fines collection services for the City of Scottsboro. 2) Garry Morgan made presentation concerning First Monday and marketing of the event and the city. 3) Jerry Cunningham made presentation on needed improvements and inclusion of Cedar Hill Cemetery into the National Historic Sites Places. 4) CDG Engineers made presentation on Master Drainage Plan for city.
Regular Council Meeting, Old Business: 1) Special Events Annual Liquor License approved for The Comfort Inn. 2) CDA, Commercial Development Authority, added to agenda by motion and approved. Mr. Thomas took over Council President, while motion was made to table item by Mr. Hodges until the citizens could have input and notice of this decision prior to vote. Mr. Smith voted against the tabling motion. The motion to table was approved by a 4 to 1 vote. The issue will be placed on the agenda of the Sep. 28th City Council Meeting.
New Business: 1)Silver Fox Restaurant name change approved for Alcohol Beverage License. 2) City Attorney made recommendation that the Mayor be authorized to approve all insurance claims below the deductible limit of $2500.00. Motion made and approved. 3) Solid Waste Management Plan report by Mr. Eddie Blizzard, Director of Solid Waste. 4) Knights of Columbus Roadblock approved.
Open Meetings Act, Notice Requirement concerning Budget Hearings: There was some confusion concerning the notice of the scheduled Budget Hearing meetings. The Open Meetings Act requires all notices of meetings of a quorum of the legislative body be posted 7 days in advance on the bulletin board including notice to the local press. There was no notice on the City Hall entrance bulletin board nor sufficient notice given in the local paper as required by the Code of Alabama 36-25A-3, 7 days prior to the meeting date. The meeting that was scheduled for the 15th and 17th, the notice was given in The Daily Sentinel on Sep 11, 2009 in a news article, time was listed as 4:30 was cancelled. The first Budget Hearing meeting will be the 22nd of September, 2009 according to Mr. Hodges City Council President.
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