Last night was a regularly scheduled City Council Meeting. Being no old business the council moved into the New Business portion. 1) Alcohol Beverage License Public Hearing was held for Gino's Pizza, 102 Micah Way, new ownership. The license was approved. 2) 2 vacancies were announced on the Zoning Adjustment and Appeals Board. Requests for board membership must be submitted to the city Clerk, Ms. Cathy OShields no later than Dec. 18, 2009 by 4:30 PM. 3) Donation was approved in the amount of $210.50 for the Jackson County SPCA for the purpose of their landfill fees. 4) One time pay raise was approved for Scottsboro City Employees, $150 for full time employees, $75 for part time employees and $50 for temporary part time employees. 5) Resolution for Word Field, Scottsboro Municipal Airport Improvement project was approved. this is a cost share grant of $2.5 million. The U.S. Government will pay 95% of the grant, state and local government will each pay $64,784.00 6) Office Manager Grade 2 Job Description was approved. Ms. Borders stated that she was reviewing and updating all city job descriptions to insure the work performed coincides with the job description. Approval was acquired for the rescheduling of the Dec.7, 2009 work session to prior to the Dec 14, 2009 regular council meeting. 8) Surplus property declaration was made and approved for 3 trucks. 9) A request for a truck bid to go forward concerning the Sanitation Department was approved. This would be a used truck, 2003, was stated it is desperately needed by the Sanitation Department.
A Special Call City Council Meeting was announced for Monday, Dec. 30, 2009 at 6PM for the purpose of approving a bid for the Sanitation Truck