"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Scottsboro City Council Meeting

Last night was a regularly scheduled City Council Meeting. Being no old business the council moved into the New Business portion. 1) Alcohol Beverage License Public Hearing was held for Gino's Pizza, 102 Micah Way, new ownership. The license was approved. 2) 2 vacancies were announced on the Zoning Adjustment and Appeals Board. Requests for board membership must be submitted to the city Clerk, Ms. Cathy OShields no later than Dec. 18, 2009 by 4:30 PM. 3) Donation was approved in the amount of $210.50 for the Jackson County SPCA for the purpose of their landfill fees. 4) One time pay raise was approved for Scottsboro City Employees, $150 for full time employees, $75 for part time employees and $50 for temporary part time employees. 5) Resolution for Word Field, Scottsboro Municipal Airport Improvement project was approved. this is a cost share grant of $2.5 million. The U.S. Government will pay 95% of the grant, state and local government will each pay $64,784.00 6) Office Manager Grade 2 Job Description was approved. Ms. Borders stated that she was reviewing and updating all city job descriptions to insure the work performed coincides with the job description. Approval was acquired for the rescheduling of the Dec.7, 2009 work session to prior to the Dec 14, 2009 regular council meeting. 8) Surplus property declaration was made and approved for 3 trucks. 9) A request for a truck bid to go forward concerning the Sanitation Department was approved. This would be a used truck, 2003, was stated it is desperately needed by the Sanitation Department.

A Special Call City Council Meeting was announced for Monday, Dec. 30, 2009 at 6PM for the purpose of approving a bid for the Sanitation Truck

Jackson County Commission Meeting

Monday, November the 23rd was a regular meeting of the Jackson County Commission. There were no comments from citizens and officials.

One item was added to the Discussion portion of the agenda per request from Commissioner Jack Smith for the hiring of a County Engineer. A vote was taken and approved by the Commission.

There was one item on the consent agenda, payment to the County Attorney for $3332.35 for services for the month of October, 2009 which was approved

Old Business: 1) The October 26, 2009 commission minutes were approved as received. 2) Minutes from the November 9, 2009 meeting were approved as received. 3) Motion to approve a second work session for the 1st Thursday of each month died for a lack of a second. 4) 2 resolutions for the Council on Aging and the Alabama Department of Transportation was approved for the continuation of Bus Service in Jackson County. 5) Amendment of the Coroners Budget in the amount of $13,344.00 for insurance premiums back to March 2007 was approved. 6) Motion to approve and advertise position for a Road and Bridge Foreman Grade 7 for the Public Works Department died for a lack of a second. 7) The hiring of 2 additional full time Sheriff's Deputies for Courthouse Security was approved.

New Business: 1) Placement of "No 18 Wheeler Truck Signs" were approved for county Road 93. 2)Request from the Town of Paint Rock for the Public Works Department to work on Keel Street was approved. The town will reimburse Public Works for this project. 3) Exception to decrease the Right of Way on County Road 81 for the purpose of mining was disapproved. A motion was made and approved to maintain a 100ft right of way in the area proposed by D& E Mining to mine on County Road 81. 4) The Sheriffs Budget was approved for amendment in the amount of $2259.53 for Deputy Bobby Wilbanks' pay increase.

The Commission approved an Executive Session to discuss a legal issue. Upon return the commission voted to approve the County Attorney to submit a request for a Declaratory Judgement in the Circuit Court of Jackson County involving a contract dispute.

Discussion by Commissioners: The issue of hiring a County Engineer was brought forward, motion was made and seconded to hire Greg Richard as County Engineer at the pay rate of the last County Engineer. The vote was 3 to 1, the issue died as in the Discussion portion of the Commission meeting, in accordance with the rules there must be a unanimous vote for an issue to be approved. (Why the commissioners that wanted to hire an engineer did not ask for the item to be included on the agenda during Thursday's work session is beyond me. Particularly after Mr. Clemmons brought the issue up. Mr. Clemmons asked Mr. Smith if he was going to ask for the hiring of an engineer at the work session, Mr. Smith replied that he might. It would be beneficial that all County Commissioners were aware of the procedures of the County Commission's meetings.)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Scottsboro City Council Meeting--Scottsboro Boys

Scottsboro Boys Civil Rights Interpretive Center and Heritage Project is being planned for Scottsboro.
Update: Nov. 11, 2009- Report from the Daily Sentinel http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=e5ada5f1078b3bf7 The project is moving forward.
Unfortunately bigotry and racism remaining in the area seem to be raising its ugly head in opposition to the project. It was reported to me tonight that the Tourism Director of the Chamber of Commerce's job has been threatened due to his participation in this project. This fact was reported to the Mayor, City Attorney, Mr. Hodges and Mr Thomas prior to the City Council meeting. It was decided the presentation would continue. The threat situation was also explained to Mr. Speers after the meeting.
A committee of interested citizens was appointed by the Jackson County Legislative Delegation to study and formulate plans for this Cultural and Historical Tourism project to benefit the citizens of Jackson County. A project of this nature will benefit the community financially by fostering tourism and providing jobs.

Tonight was a City Council work session. 1) Presentation by J.P. Parsons, Tourism Director, Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, concerning Scottsboro Boys Civil Rights Heritage Project. A civil rights interpretive center is being considered to foster cultural tourism. This cultural and historical tourism project was begun in July of this year as a result of citizen concerns initially expressed to the Jackson County Legislative Delegation. The Delegation formed a committee to further investigate and implement this project. Tonight, Mr. Parsons requested use of the City of Scottsboro's grant writer to request funding for this project. Cultural Tourism will result in financial benefits for the community. 2) Jackson County SPCA Donation request discussion. 3) City Employee one time pay raise discussion. 4) Resolution for airport funding discussion. 5) Debra Borders, job description discussion.
My apologies for being so brief in this outline for items 2-5. I am still in shock that one or more influential members of our community would allegedly make threats to Mr. Parson's supervisor concerning Mr. Parson's job. Apparently the threats have been made in the attempt to prevent a Civil Rights Interpretive Center explaining the importance of the Scottsboro Boys Case. Some are more concerned about preserving bigoted ideology rather than learning from the lessons of our history to gain vision for our future in order that we may not repeat the mistakes of history.
Update: Nov 19, 2009- After discussions with the Legislative Delegation, Mr. Roden, Mr. Parsons, Ms. Washington, other members of our community including myself yesterday it is obvious the project will go forward. The Chamber of Commerce Director and Legislative Delegation is solidly behind this plan. It was decided that we will not allow the ignorance of some who would make threats to stifle the positive plans of our group.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

TVA's Nuclear $inkhole

All about RADIATION http://www.nirs.org/radiation/radiationhome.htm Please do not leave our children and grandchildren a radioactive legacy in remembrance of our generation!

You will notice on the right side of the picture the 2 proposed AP1000 radioactive nuclear reactors. The proposed radiation producing plants are to be located dangerously close to large sinkholes. The entire nuclear site is located over porus limestone rock which contains caves and sinkholes, this terrain is called Karst Terrain. The Sequatchie fault line, earthquake zone, is located approximately 1 mile west of the radiation producing plant.
The cost of one 1200 mega watt Westinghouse Nuclear Reactor at Bellefonte is estimated to cost between $8 and 9 billion dollars. Exact costs are unknown as the TVA, Tennessee Valley Authority, refuses to release cost information. I have asked for the costs thru the Freedom of Information Act, FOIA request. The TVA claims a commercial proprietary privilege. So much for an open Federal Government. However, this link lists costs as high as $12 billion per reactor, that's $24 billion dollars for 2 Westinghouse AP1000 Radioactive Nuclear Plants. http://scitizen.com/stories/Future-Energies/2008/11/How-Much-Will-New-Nuclear-Power-Plants-Cost/

What could you do with $82,000? That is the amount TVA has spent on every man woman and child in Jackson County Alabama without generating 1 kilowatt of electric power at the Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant $inkhole. Total amount- $4,500,000,000, 4.5 billion dollars.

Problems plague TVA. Today's press release reflects poor engineering and design flaws at TVA Radioactive Nuclear Facilities. http://blog.al.com/live/2009/11/tva_nuclear_plant_has_fire_res.html Other problems at Browns Ferry: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2009/09/tva-browns-ferry-reactor-scram.html
As reported in the link above from the Mobile Press Register. "The Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in north Alabama has a fire response problem that could lead to a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) civil penalty."
"In a letter to TVA, the NRC said inspectors this year found that the plant near Athens, Ala., potentially violated four safety standards, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported Thursday."
Edwin Lyman, senior scientist for the Union of Concerned Scientists, told the newspaper that most of America's 103 reactors were designed before the NRC adopted its current fire safety standards. He said most don't have the desired cable separation and firewalls between parts of the plants."Almost no plants meet all of the NRC's physical standards, but the regulators have allowed plants to use manual steps like fire watches and walk-downs to compensate for the inadequate plant design," he said. "For a long time, the NRC was not issuing violations for fire safety issues. But lately the commission seems more determined to enforce these rules, which we believe is long overdue."
No civility about a fire at a radioactive nuclear facility. That "nuclear feeling" equates to "death hanging in the air." That is not stopping the TVA at Bellefonte, Alabama, although the proposed nuclear reactor is an old design and the current incomplete plants have been stripped of parts and equipment. Excellent article from the Chattanooga Times Free Press on Bellefonte. The article opens, " When TVA canceled plans to finish its Bellefonte Nuclear Plant here in 2006, contractors began ripping out steel tubes and pipes from heat exchangers, steam generators and main condensers to sell for scrap metal." http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2009/mar/29/alabama-salvaging-bellefonte/
TVA notice of hearing about Bellefonte in Scottsboro: http://blog.al.com/breaking/2009/11/tva_to_accept_comments_on_prop.html
Nuclear Power plants suck up valuable dollars available for Sustainable Energy projects. New technology is on our doorstep and is knocking to enter. The radioactive nuclear industry and their political puppets lock the doors.
There is progress, such as the recent Solar Plant in Arcadia, Florida. http://sweetness-light.com/archive/largest-solar-power-plant-opens-in-fl
A 1200 mega watt solar plant of a larger but similar design would cost $7.5 billion dollars with no worry concerning nuclear waste.
1 radioactive nuclear reactor contains 100 tons of radioactive uranium pellets which are placed in the core of a 1000 mega watt nuclear reactor for its operation. The amount of long-life radioactive material in a 1000 mega watt nuclear power plant is equivalent to the explosion of 1000 Hiroshima sized bombs. (Reference:"Nuclear Power Is Not The Answer" pg 53-54 by Helen Caldicott,, New Press)
Can we afford radioactive power?? Besides the inherent radiation risks, particularly dangerous for our children and pregnant mothers, http://www.nirs.org/radiation/radiationhome.htm , nuclear reactors are very expensive as indicated in the below linked article. The financial risks are extremely high, private financial institutions will not build these risky radiation producing power plants, they must rely on the taxpayers, U.S. Government, to pay for the risky radiation producing power plants. http://scitizen.com/stories/Future-Energies/2008/11/How-Much-Will-New-Nuclear-Power-Plants-Cost/
Other options available. The TVA has studied other options such as a Conversion to Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) Units. This was TVA's preferred option as noted in the Executive Summary. Link: http://www.tva.gov/environment/reports/bellefonte/ The Natural Gas plant is much less expensive with fewer risks than a radioactive nuclear reactor. The Combined Cycle Natural Gas plant costs are less than $900 million. http://www.allbusiness.com/energy-utilities/utilities-industry-electric-power/12609408-1.html
There is a better way, the TVA recognizes there is a better way to provide citizens power. http://www.tva.gov/news/releases/aprjun08/draft_plans.htm The answer for our future is Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy. Combined Cycle Natural Gas provides a temporary solution while sustainable energy solutions are being further developed and placed on line to serve the citizens of the Tennessee River Valley area with safe, efficient, electrical power. Encourage the TVA and your elected representatives to support Energy Efficiency and true Sustainable Energy Solutions for our future. Our children and grandchildren deserve safe energy, not radioactive poisons.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Jackson County Commission Meeting

The agenda of the meeting was approved, 1 item was added as item (H) consideration to appoint Harold Brookshire to the Personnel Board. Another item concerning an addition to the agenda was to hire an Engineer, this item addition failed due to the lack of a majority vote.
Consent Agenda was approved for $3337.50 to the Tennessee Valley Family Services.
Old Business: A) Approval of Minutes from the October 26, 2009 meeting died for a lack of second. (Why were the official minutes of the October 26, 2009 meeting not approved? What is the legal standing for Commission Minutes not approved?) B) Adding a second work session for the 1st Thursday of the Month died for a lack of a second. C) December 23rd and 24th approved as additional holidays. D) December 31st approved as an additional holiday.
New Business: A) Sign resolutions with the Alabama Department of Transportation for Council on the Aging, died for lack of second. (Commissioners play games possibly causing a loss of transportation grant money for senior citizens, another reason why this was motion was not approved?) B) Approval granted to sell a 1997 Ford Econoline for Council on Aging. (Has the property been declared excess property.) C) Approval of Public Works Department Excess Property list. D) Approval to auction of 3 Mack Trucks for the Public Works Department. E) Approval of George "Pee Wee" Mason's retirement effective November 1, 2009 F) Motion to approve the advertisement for a Road & Bridge Foreman Grade 7 for the Public Works Department died due to lack of second. G) Motion to amend the Coroners Office Budget in the amount of $13,344.00 for insurance premiums back dated to March 2007. Issue tabled until County Attorney could review. H) Agenda addition, motion to appoint Harold Brookshire to Personnel Board approved. It was mentioned one position for the Personnel Board remained open.
Discussion Items: Mr. Clemmons questioned the validity of the change in Personnel Policy on May & September, 2009 due to a vote which may have been carried due to improper procedure. The County Attorney stated that he will investigate the matter.

Scottsboro City Council Meeting

Tonight was a very short City Council Meeting, 5 minutes. There was no old business.
New Business: 1) Restaurant Alcohol Beverage License was approved for G&C Enterprises doing business as Agave Restaurant, 1402 County Park Rd., Scottsboro, Al. This was the former Buena Vista Restaurant. 2) The new Street Department Organizational Chart was approved.
No reports. Mr. Hodges, Mr, Thomas and Mr. Bell will be attending the League of Municipalities Conference in San Antonio, Tx. this week.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Murder At Ft Hood by Military Officer, Jihad Attack??

Soldiers from the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment storm the grounds of the Soldier Readiness Center in a show of force as they help in the apprehension of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan Thursday Nov. 5, 2009. Hasan, a psychiatrist set to be shipped overseas opened fire at the Fort Hood Army post Thursday, authorities said, a rampage that killed 12 people and left 31 wounded in the worst mass shooting ever at a military base in the United States.(AP Photo/David Morris, Killeen Daily Herald)

Reports indicated over 50 Rounds expended. 12 killed 31 wounded. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_fort_hood_shooting Major Nidal Malik Hasan Army Doctor and Psychiatrist: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/11/05/national/main5540862.shtml Initial reports had the name listed different, listed as Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan. The initial Yahoo report has been changed.
Now reported that the shooter is alive, it was first reported shooter was dead.
What relationship is this Dr. Malik Hasan to the shooter if any? Both physicians, the person in this profile is age 59, the shooters age according to reports is stated to be 39? http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/hmo/hasan/profile.html
This report indicates 3 shooters, at 3 different locations as indicated in this Fox News video with confirmation by the Director of Public Information of Killeen, Tx.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Hl_0Whrnw4
UPDATE Nov 6, 2009: "Now reported 13 killed and this report-"Officials are not ruling out the possibility that some of the casualties may have been victims of "friendly fire," that in the mayhem and confusion at the shooting scene some of the responding military officials may have shot some of the victims."
Friendly fire, where were the MP's or DOD police? Civilian police responded and seemed to be in charge of the scene initially. It is reported that a female Police Officer shot Hasan and was wounded herself.
Ft Hood is now an "open post?" Soldiers storm the Readiness Center? Show of force? I'm beginning to wonder who is in charge of this mass confusion of public information releases and storming of the Soldier Readiness Center. The storming of the Readiness Center as a show of force? Reaction to reports of additional terrorists valid or intentional misinformation??
Very interesting that retired officers alleging they served with Hasan were immediately available for interviews on Fox News stated that Hasan had made previous threats and apparently supported the murder of soldiers in Little Rock, Ar. earlier this year.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Jackson County Legislative Delegation & Public Examiners Audit

Senator Barron is serving his seventh term in the Senate. In 1983, he became the only successful write-in candidate in the history of the Alabama Legislature. He was born on April 22, 1942, in Jackson County and received his B.S. degree in Pharmacy from Auburn University. Senator Barron has four children and five grandchildren. Senator Barron is a businessman, a Democrat, a Baptist, and is a former member of the Auburn University Board of Trustees. He lists hunting, golf, and tennis as his hobbies. Senator Barron served terms as President Pro Tempore of the Senate, 1999-2006. The newly-comprised Senate shall elect its President Pro Tempore during the 2007 Organizational Session, or if called into a prior Special Session.
Representative Butch Taylor is serving his first term in the Alabama House of Representatives. He was elected to the House District 22 seat in a special election held on March 6, 2007.He is retired from the Madison County Board of Education where he served as a teacher and coach for 31 years.Representative Taylor and his wife, Ann, live in New Hope. He is stepfather to Shellie Richardson and Sherrie Morrison. He is also the father of one son, Jake.He has eight step-grandchildren, a grandson and granddaughter..
Representative John Robinson was elected in 1994. He was born on March 22, 1950, attended Jacksonville State University, and received his J.D. from the Birmingham School of Law.Representative Robinson is retired from the Jackson County District Attorney's Office and enjoys hunting, fishing, and country music.He is a member of St. Luke's Episcopal Church and has one son, Lawson, who attends the University of Alabama.

The Jackson County Legislative Delegation was recently audited by The Alabama Department of Examiners of Public Accounts for the 16 month period of February 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. Below you will find a brief synopsis of funds in those accounts and the link to audits.

Total receipts for TVA in lieu of taxes: $3,728,772.29
Total disbursements of the TVA in lieu of taxes: $3,880,050.34
Deficit after Transfers: $151,278.05
Balance as of June 30, 2009: $1,040,036.40

Full report concerning this audit may be viewed at http://www.examiners.state.al.us/ click on the "Audit Reports" in the right column, scroll down to the October 30, 2009 audit date. Audits of The Jackson County Sheriffs Department and District Attorneys Office may also be found at the site.
The Jackson County Legislative Delegation's phone number is (256) 218-3090. Their office address is 100 East Peachtree St.Scottsboro, AL. 35768

Monday, November 2, 2009

Scottsboro City Council

Tonight was a work session, a short one at that. 1) Discuss plans for the old animal shelter. It was stated that the old animal shelter located on the airport property would need to be demolished as the structure has termite problems. 2) Street Department Organizational chart was discussed. It was discussed that 1 foreman's position will be eliminated, currently there are 4 on the organizational chart of the Street Department.