After reading a comment about Internet trolls on the Huntsville Forum of al.com, http://www.al.com/forums/huntsville/index.ssf , titled: "21135. Best way to handle trolls?" I decided to write a reply which is listed below.
21135.2. Some say ignore them, and they will go away, that is questionable advice. In some instances if you ignore them they will invite their troll friends and before you know it, a community of trolls will exist. My suggestion is track them, then attack them, plant a time integrated logic worm into their cognitive analysis device. They will wonder what happened, within a short period of time they should become an accepted member of the group. If this doesn't work you may need to employ one of several professional "troll interdiction and capture devices." Only a professional should utilize "troll interdiction and capture devices." Inexperienced usage of the device and techniques could result in permanent damage to the user or his or her equipment. (humor intended)
KNOW THY TROLL. It is important to recognize the means and ways of troll techniques as described below.
This ideological and religious troll challenges the common perception of what it means to be a troll in the 21st century. http://www.corrupt.org/act/interviews/weev
Thesis papers exist on trolls, such as this very informative thesis from Amy Dhalia, University of Texas School of Sociology, http://www.io.com/~zikzak/troll_thesis.html
Troll Control logic: http://www.cracked.com/article_16765_5-ways-stop-trolls-from-killing-internet.html
This is what trolls do: http://www.ehow.com/how_2064125_become-internet-troll.html Knowing about the troll and leading the troll into a logic trap, or in the case of "thebandit," you lead him into a jail cell that has his name on it is how you stop trolls. Never, ever ignore the troll, they could be another Ted Kosinski.
In the corporate/political/governmental world there are those who act as trolls for a living, they are called Media Specialists, Administrative Assistants or Press Secretary; in some political circles or in the rare case they are the politician themselves. Such as this case of the Weasel Troll. http://topics.treehugger.com/topic/Parker_Griffith
This trolls last words on his blog about trolls: "So how do you kill a troll? You quit feeding it." Typical comment of a political troll attacking a hard working voter tired of political B.S. http://underthepowerlines.com/dealing-with-political-trolls.htm
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