Mr. Clemmons made 3 seperate attempts to adjourn the meeting without the agenda being accepted or before the issue was discussed, Ms. Bias made 2 seperate attempts at adjournment.
Agenda of the Special Call Meeting. Under the Commission Rules any Discussion issue on the agenda requires a majority vote of the commission. The agenda was not approved as submitted as there was no motion second concerning approval of the agenda. The county attorney stated the only appropriate item for discussion for this Special Meeting concerns the hiring of the County Engineer.

The Special Meeting Agenda is not formatted properly to reflect the sole purpose of the special meeting.
Another Dog and Pony Show at the court house today courtesy of our County Commission.
The Jackson County Commission held a Special Called Meeting at 3:30PM for the purpose of hiring Greg Richard as County Engineer per the Special Called Meeting.

The Chairperson did not conduct the Special Call Meeting properly nor did the agenda reflect the proper meeting decorum. After the County Attorney informed the Commission of the sole purpose of today's meeting the Chairperson did not bring the issue to the floor and deviated from the purpose of the meeting. The 3 Commissioners which were supporting the hiring of Richard did not challenge the improper proceedures by calling for a "Point of Order" in the improperly conducted Special Called Meeting.
Chamber of Commerce members weighed in at the regular meeting at 4:30PM concerning the Special Called Meeting. Claiming the Commission is acting unprofessional and they should be cooperating with each other. Huntsville Times report by David Brewer: http://blog.al.com/breaking/2010/01/greater_jackson_county_chamber.html
A series of wrongs does not make a right. The Chamber of Commerce's suggestion, in agreement with the Commission Chairperson, that a third disinterested party hire an Engineer and the Commission cooperate with each other is not an answer. The very nature of our political system is set up to embellish the process of adversarial confrontation, agreement is not always possible nor necessary. To maintain that the actions of the county commission reflect poorly on the entire county is an exaggeration on the part of the Chamber of Commerce.
Failing to follow proper proceedures and the law is entirely a different matter, such as occurred today and previously in commission meetings. Failing to follow the law and procedures in meetings is a historical problem with the County Commission.
Failing to follow proper proceedures and the law is entirely a different matter, such as occurred today and previously in commission meetings. Failing to follow the law and procedures in meetings is a historical problem with the County Commission.
In the case concerning the County Engineer, it is the Commission who hires, not the Chairperson nor the chair and one commissioner.
It has come to my attention that when agenda items are brought forward to be placed on the agenda by the other commissioners, the Chairperson does not place them on the agenda if she does not agree with the item or commissioner. This is wrong and is indicative of a leadership failure and a failure of responsibilities as Chairperson of the Commission. It seems if the Chairperson can't have things her way, there will be no other way.
During the regular meeting's Commissioner reports section Mr. Clemmons' stated the commission was a dysfunctional commission. Does he mean they are dysfunctional because some commissioners do not agree with him or Ms. Bias, or does he think they are dysfunctional because they can't reach agreements on issues? There are times when the citizen is better off with no decision.
The citizens may have voted the commissioners into office but individually the commissioners are accountable and responsible for their personal actions. Mr. Clemmons placing blame on the citizens for commissioners inept actions while on the commission is ludicrous. Time will pass and election time will occur soon enough.
The County Engineer should have already been chosen. The actions on the part of the Commission Chairperson has prevented this from occurring. Now, the Chamber of Commerce enters the fray supposedly in the name of "fostering cooperation." I think the Chambers intervention and opinion is more in the name of exaggerated neoconservative political support for a political position instead of insisting the law and rules be followed.
Another issue, a motion was made by Mr. Allen and seconded in the Regular Meeting discussion portion that the county employees receive a 3% pay increase. A discussion ensued concerning this issue. No one seemed to know what the budget status was or how much money is in the budget other than Mr. Allen. He claimed he had checked on the amount of funds in the budget and he stated the commission could afford to pay the county employees the 3% raise which was not approved due to neglect of the budget at the end of the previous year. Mr. Clemmons voted no on the issue as he stated that he did not know the budget situation. The county Employees will not receive a pay increase.
The fact the Chair, the administrator or no other commissioner, except Mr. Allen's claim, knew what the budget status was as to funds available is negligent. It is their responsibility to know the status of the budget. By law Ms. Bias is directly responsible for the budget status.
In other business the commissioners approved Sheriff Miller to organize a pool of stand in Security Officers for Court House Security. Their salary was also approved at $15.00 per hour.
Dog and Pony Show - Where did I hear that last ....... I know. James Tidmore!
No, actually it was an earlier Dog and Pony show of the current commission.
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