Helpful inks on classifications of nuclear events, materials released, emergency proceedures, risks, general info related to radioactive atomic power to include new atomic power reactor problems.
The international nuclear and radiological event scale: http://www.iaea.org/Publications/Factsheets/English/ines.pdf
EPA info on radioactive atomic power plants: http://www.epa.gov/radtown/nuclear-plant.html
Official government training info: http://www.citizencorps.gov/cert/training_downloads.shtm#CERTSM
www.crcpd.org/Homeland_Security/NuclearPowerPlantMaterial.pdf Note page 58 on the pdf page as this lists specific materials released.
Are you ready to fry? http://www.fema.gov/areyouready/nuclear_power_plants.shtm
"...ask them, why they are afraid to tell the truth?" http://www.activistmagazine.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1079&Itemid=143
"What you are not suppose to know." (routine radioactive releases) http://www.nirs.org/factsheets/routineradioactivereleases.htm
NARAC: https://narac.llnl.gov/
"You will not glow." www.redcross.org/images/pdfs/code/nuclear_power_plant.pdf
"The rest of the TMI story": http://www.ki4u.com/three_mile_island.htm (Some KI for you poor country folk.)
RISK ASSESMENT: This is important, some nuclear plants have many significant reportable events and present themselves as a constantly changing environment. As the plant ages and the number of EVENTS increase so does risk. The current models and assessments in the U.S. nuclear industry DO NOT take into consideration a fluid environment of change in a plant. U.S. models of accident risk assessment are inaccurate at atomic power plants, they do not consider physical, human and operational changes which occur daily. A scientific study on this subject: Development of Specific Risk Criteria: www.immsgroup.com/images/08%20IJMSR_paper_5.pdf
Quote from the above link: "The most important problem with definition of risk criteria lays in the following fact: the models of probabilistic safety assessment, which may represent a prerequisite for application of defined risk criteria, have very wide area of acceptability. It is difficult to define risk criteria, which would be applicable to all models without conditions and prerequisites. Several factors exist, which, if changed, may impact the results in a larger extent."
Quote from the above link: "The most important problem with definition of risk criteria lays in the following fact: the models of probabilistic safety assessment, which may represent a prerequisite for application of defined risk criteria, have very wide area of acceptability. It is difficult to define risk criteria, which would be applicable to all models without conditions and prerequisites. Several factors exist, which, if changed, may impact the results in a larger extent."
Accepted system of dose limitation for routine releases of radioactive effluents at nuclear power plants--ALARA criteria (as low as reasonably achievable, economic and social factors taken into account (or the poor and uneducated country folk are expendable)) www.eolss.net/ebooks/Sample%20Chapters/C09/E4-23-03-03.pdf
History of Nuclear Censorship-The Cover-up: http://www.lornasalzman.com/collectedwritings/Censorhip.html
Radioactive Waste Processing Company Targeted Black Workers for Higher Radiation Exposure: http://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/newsroom/release/12-31-09a.cfm Scrap from the Davis -Besse plant. Remember the hole in the Davis Besse reactor due to corrosion? More about Davis -Besse. http://www.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2010/04/davis-besse.html
Tokaimura Criticality Accident: http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf37.html
The Lesser Evil, Nuclear or Coal: http://seedmagazine.com/content/article/the_lesser_evil_nuclear_or_coal/
New Reactor Issues and concerns.
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