The Jackson County Park Board has their monthly Park Board meeting on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Park Office.
Prior to yesterdays Park Board meeting I had the opportunity to watch a demonstration of the Fire Suppression Boat which will be stationed at the Jackson County Park Marina. The boat is owned by Mr. Jim Helms, owner of Precision Towing and Recovery Services and Precision Tow Boat of Scottsboro, Alabama. http://www.precisionautotruckcollisionrepair.com/pages/towboat.htm general info http://www.precisionautotruckcollisionrepair.com/
This will be the only marina facility in Jackson County, for that matter the Northeast Alabama area, which has marine fire suppression capability. The "fire boat" will be able to pump water and foam to suppress marine fires dockside or on the water. See the Precision link above. For more information contact Precision Recovery at 256-259-0111. Related story from the Daily Sentinel of the recent boat fire at Roseberry Creek adjacent to the County Park Marina. http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=132f706c2634004a The "fire suppression boat" participated in the extinguishing of this recent marine fire.
Jackson County Park Board Meeting. 1) Financial Report was approved as presented. a) attorney fees were approved for payment. b) Park Board Bookkeeper and accountant, Mrs. Engle, made recommendations for improvements for park accounting. > timely deposits, which is being improved and proper fuel issue and purchase reconciliation were two suggested areas of improvements. > Mrs Engle also gave status on the Park Boards penalties and payments required due to previous park board and management failing to pay Federal and State Taxes dating back to 2001-2005. The total penalty and interest is $33,322 on approximately $13,000 of taxes. Mrs. Engle commented the current board is doing an excellent job in insuring their finacial obligations are met and due diligence is being accomplished in the financial management of the park.
Old Business: 1) Mr. Gary Lackey, Park Board Attorney, gave report on the status of pending litigation between the Jackson County Park and County Commission. Mediation is scheduled for the 28th of June in Scottsboro at Mr. Lackeys Office. The court date of 16 June will be postponed until after the mediation. Mr. Lackey explained that the mediation process is a positive, non-binding effort to resolve issues between the county Park and the County Commission. (Related stories on this blog concerning the case: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/05/jackson-county-park-board-vs-jackson.html -- http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/05/wn-rockey-watson-to-represent-county.html and http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/04/jackson-county-park-jackson-county.html ) 2) Small Business Council paid for the Rescue Squad to park vehicles. Last month the Park Board voted to handle this payment but the Small Business Council made the payment. A vote was taken to amend last months vote on this issue. 3) The Catfish Festival cost of fish came to $1220, a vote was taken to approve this expenditure. 4) The board voted to approve payment for the installation of electrical outlets on part of the walking trail for vendor setups during events and festivals.
Managers Report: 1) Park Manager, Mr. Carl Barnes, gave report on Camp Ground "Storm Damage Improvements." He stated the plans which had been placed before the commission by Ladd Environmental, contractor hired by the County Commission to repair sites in the park's campground, will only include replacement of 58 camp spots. There were 97 camp spots destroyed by the storm according to Mr. Barnes. Bids will go out to make water and electrical improvements. Mr. Barnes commented that the Scottsboro Electric Power Board will be accomplishing the electrical work. ( My comment: In the county Commission meeting Ladd Environmental discussed that FEMA, ADECA, the TVA etc had not approved the underground or above ground electrical system distribution. This is an area which apparently is contradicted and is a source of confusion between the commission and park board. However, since the County Commission is the responsible authority for the contract any confusion lies strictly on their shoulders. It is apparent that the County Commission has failed miserably in coordinating efforts at the park with park management, for this reason they have created multiple problems due to their lack of positive leadership in insuring a spirit of cooperation and coordination in the improvement of the park due to storm damage.) 2) An issue of long term camping in the park was brought forward. This issue was tabled. 3) The manager brought forward an issue of comp-time and vacation time. The Park Board adjourned into an Executive Session to discuss this issue and other issues concerning the Park Board Manager.
New Business: 1) The office secretary, Mary, was approved forpromotion to Office Manager with expanded duties and responsibilities in the case of the absence of the Park Manager. There was no discussion of pay or what the specific duties entailed. 2) Approval was given for payment of $200 for a broken window of a private vehicle parked at the boat dock parking area as a result of a rock being thrown into the vehicles window while mowing.
It was suggested that a Suggestion Box be installed at the Park Office so visitors and patrons may provide suggestions and complaints to park management.
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