More secrecy, more mediation; MEDIATION-the new excuse for secret deliberations. A dangerous precedent is set when the courts must enter into legislative actions. Legislative secrecy becomes possible due to court ordered mediation, twice with the current county commission. Related story concerning previous mediation: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/03/jackson-county-commission.html
Judge Graham handed down a ruling yesterday, May, 13, 2010, in the case of The Jackson County Park Board vs. The Jackson County Commission, Case # 2010-900048, MEDIATION. Related stories: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/05/wn-rockey-watson-to-represent-county.html http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/04/jackson-county-park-jackson-county.html
The case is set for trial on June 16, 2010. Judge Graham ordered the parties into mediation prior to the trial date. The mediator will be attorney Albert Shumaker of Centre, Alabama, according to court documents. The County Attorney will be "Rocky" Watson of Ft. Payne. Mr. Watson is Ft. Payne's City Attorney, he was the mediator in the "County Engineer Case" where a secret deliberative session was conducted concerning implementation of the Personnel Policy of Jackson County. Daily Sentinel Article: http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=25387912a4534598 OpEd: http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=443b8633f1dd50be
A synopsis of Judge Graham's order related to mediation in this case. a) Mediation will commence as soon as possible prior to the June 16, 2010 trial date; b) mediator will control proceedures; c) mediation shall be confidential, privileged by all parties involved; d) mediator shall not be called as a witness and the proceedings shall not be recorded by any means; e) parties are encouraged to resolve issues.
To resolve this issue the County Commission must follow the agreement made in 1955 with the TVA relative to the Jackson County Park Board. The Park Board is an integral part of that agreement. What is it that the commissioners and their attorneys do not understand about their lease contract with the TVA??
Commissioners the resolution is simple. Create a Jackson County Parks and Recreation Department, if you can afford it, to manage the affairs of the other parks in Jackson County. Key being, can you afford to create a park and recreation board per the Code of Alabama? However, the current Jackson County Park Board must stay intact per the lease agreement with the TVA, unless you intend on renegotiating your contractual obligations with the TVA.
By all appearances the Jackson County Commission has, once again, failed in their management of county resources. Instead of assisting and giving positive input for the purpose of assisting the County Park Board they have endeavored to employ a destructive course of action to terminate the park board without any sufficient explanation to the citizens of Jackson County.
There has been no open deliberative process in the Jackson County Commissions actions relative to the Jackson County Park. Worse, the process of open meetings and the enforcement of open meetings appears to have been cast aside by the Judges of Jackson County due to the incompetence of the Jackson County Commission for the process of secret deliberations of the mediation process.
I can only hope the end result will not be destructive to the citizens of Jackson County. Hopefully the alleged informed legal scholars will look at all aspects of this case, particularly as it relates to the lease from the TVA of our County Park.
If any readers are interested in a "Friend of the Court" action to preserve the Jackson County Park and for the purpose of making the court aware of stipulations contained within the lease agreement with the TVA and expressing displeasure with the county commissions actions please inform me by email at gmorg50@hotmail.com .
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