1) Commercial Development Authority, CDA, has 2 vacancies, applications for the CDA must be turned into the City Clerk by Feb. 18, 2011, 4:20PM. 2 & 4) Rec Com Organizational Chart discussed and approved for a temporary change, Athletic Coordinators position approved until Oct. 2011 at which time the position will be reviewed. 3) Vacancy on Housing Authority, Mayors appointment, individual must live in the Housing Project. 4) see above 5) Bid opening approval for brush chipper awarded to Vermeer of Birmingham, Al. as low bidder meeting specifications, $14,700.00. 6) Bid opening approval for Excavator awarded to Tractor & Equipment of Huntsville, Al. as low bidder meeting specifications, $151,395.00 7) Bid opening approval for mini-excavator awarded to Tractor & Equipment of Huntsville, Al. for $56,959 as low bidder meeting specifications. 8) Alcohol Beverage License hearing for the sale of beer & wine for Victory Lanes, 1503 E. Willow St., Scottsboro, Al., approved.
Reports: Garry Morgan made announcement inviting City Council, Mayor and Citizens to the Black History Month celebration and the one year anniversary of the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center, 428 West Willow St., link from Scottsboro Stories about event. http://scottsborostories.blogspot.com/2011/01/black-history-month-events-at.html
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