Department of Justice Photo of caviar tin which was not as advertised. The contents when tested for DNA revealed the roe was that of American Paddlefish, a protected species.
Prosecution of cases by the Department of Justice concerning fraud ...and the taking of protected species: http://www.justice.gov/enrd/3367.htm "The undercover agent, in cooperation with Sutton Place, purchased caviar from Connoisseur Brands, which was then DNA tested by the FWS National Forensics Laboratory in Oregon. The DNA results showed that the vast majority of Russian Sevruga caviar – one of three types of commercially available caviar – purchased from Connoisseur was in fact fish eggs from the American Paddlefish, a protected species indigenous to the United States and found in the Tennessee and Mississippi Rivers. "
Recent Paddlefish Caviar Prosecution: "CINCINNATI, Ohio, January 17, 2012 (Environmental News Service) - Two Kentuckians and their caviar companies pleaded guilty today in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio to trafficking in and falsely labeling illegally harvested paddlefish, Polydon spathula. Steve Kinder, along with his wife, Cornelia Joyce Kinder, both of Owenton, Kentucky, owned and operated Kinder Caviar Inc. and Black Star Caviar Company. Those companies were in the business of exporting paddlefish eggs as caviar to customers in foreign countries." http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/jan2012/2012-01-17-093.html
Alabama State Senator Shad McGill's statement in the Dekalb County Times Journal- (State of Alabama photo of Senator McGill on left) ""McGill said one bill he was developing was to open the state's waters to the harvesting of American paddlefish. McGill said the fish's roe sold as caviar and sells for as much as $90 a pound. "I'd never heard of a paddlefish," McGill said. "Some foreigners might like it, I'm not sure. I'm drafting legislation for this. It has the potential to open up thousands of jobs."" http://times-journal.com/news/
Senator McGill wants to open up thousands of jobs based on illegal activity?? It is illegal to possess or take Paddlefish from Alabama waters. There is one exception, that is the commercial spawning of the fish in grow out ponds as licensed by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. http://www.outdooralabama.com/
(From the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: "220-2-.94 Prohibition of Taking or Possessing Paddlefish (Spoonbill): It shall be illegal to take or attempt to take paddlefish (spoonbill) from all public waters of Alabama by any method or to possess paddlefish (spoonbill) or any part of a paddlefish (spoonbill). Any paddlefish (spoonbill) accidentally captured shall be immediately returned to the waters from whence it came. This regulation does not apply to commercially packaged paddlefish (spoonbill) products imported from out-of-state or to paddlefish (spoonbill) cultured at hatchery operations or grow out ponds permitted through the Commissioner, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.")
DeKalb County Times Journal Editorial: "Paddlefish Bill is a bad idea" http://times-journal.com/opinion/article_2ab7f274-4b97-11e1-94b4-0019bb2963f4.html
McGill's proposal involves illegal activity of "harvesting of the American Paddlefish from state waters." Appropriate authorities should be asking who has put McGill up to this scheme and has there been any money exchanging hands in this schemes development?
UPDATE: Feb. 7, 2012
Senator McGill on Religion and Teachers pay.
More on Senator McGill from WAAY TV http://www.waaytv.com/news/content/vote/story/McGill-Responds-to-Controversies/ECx6gqrHuE26PKjFRxlCWQ.cspx
Dekalb Co Times Journal http://www.waaytv.com/news/content/vote/story/McGill-Responds-to-Controversies/ECx6gqrHuE26PKjFRxlCWQ.cspx
More: ""I don't believe you keep God out of state. Church represents the body of Christ, Christ being the head of that body. No, I don't believe in that separation," said Sen. McGill."
Thomas Jefferson interpreted the 1st Amendment in his famous letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in January 1, 1802: "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State."
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