1) City Attorney, Steve Kennamer, discussed the City Ordinance concerning business licenses and alcoholic beverage control license. The new ordinance will coordinate local laws with the state law. Mr. Kennamer stated the new license issuance fee will be based on the state license fee which is based on the consumer price index. According to the City Attorney this will lower the current fees. (In my last posting concerning this issue I had misunderstood the explanation of the license fee issues. I stated there would be an increase in license fees. A change in the law will not result in a fee increase and there probably will be a decrease in license fees as the local law is coordinated with state law, my apologies for the error.) 2) Vacancy announcement on the Water Sewer and Gas Board due to the death of Mrs. Dicus, term expires Sep. 2014. Applications for the position must be turned into the City Clerk no later than Feb. 24, 2012 by 4PM. 3) 1 vacancy on the Housing Authority Board, applications must be turned into the City Clerk no later than 24 Feb, 2012 by 4PM. 4) There were 3 items of discussion relating to the traffic signals at the intersection of Hwy 72 & 35, Wal-Mart and Scottsboro High School. The items concern a modification of the signals at the 3 locations.
Presentation by Mr. Lowell Bivins of the Roseberry Rescue Group concerning Aquatic Nuisance Species in the Dry Creek and Roseberry Creek area. The Jackson County Park and the Scottsboro City Park are located in these areas. There are many homeowners which have docks by the lake in the area of Roseberry and Dry Creek.
The Aquatic Nuisance Species issue has been an ongoing issue long before 2008 when the Roseberry Rescue Group (RRG) LLC was formed. Information about the Roseberry Rescue Group may be found on the web at http://sites.google.com/site/roseberryrescuegroupllc/home .
The Roseberry group of concerned citizens state on their web site: "In 2008 two specific non-native aquatic weeds (hydrillia and Eurasian milfoil) had encroached the waterways, channel and near shore areas of Roseberry Creek within Scottsboro and Jackson County. They literally took over whereby Roseberry Creek was unusable by the public or private land owners."
"The simple reason this occurred was that around 2005 TVA began scaling back service and eventually stopped treatment and left the job to local communities."
Roseberry Rescue Groups informational aids as presented to the City Council demonstrating the area of coverage. Aqua-Services of Guntersville, Al. will be contracted to provide the service. The Daily Sentinel coverage of the issue by Dewayne Patterson: http://thedailysentinel.com/news/article_4bc867d8-51e0-11e1-9933-0019bb2963f4.html
The Roseberry group is asking the City of Scottsboro to pay for $50,000 of a $200,000 bill for control of hydrilla and millfoil. The group will also request $50K each from the County Commission and the Legislative Delegation. The lakeside homeowners will also contribute $50K to the project. The responsible parties for the stewardship of the Tennessee River waterways, TVA and the State of Alabama in accordance with Federal and State law, contribute nothing.
The irresponsibility of the TVA and the State of Alabama in this problem is appalling in regards to this issue. The TVA and the State of Alabama are neglecting their responsibilities.
The TVA Act states: "Sec. 22. To aid further the proper use, conservation, and development of the natural resources of the Tennessee River drainage basin and of such adjoining territory as may be
related to or materially affected by the development consequent to this Act, and to provide for the general welfare of the citizens of said areas..." Board of Directors of the TVA has a responsibility:
shall affirm support for the objectives and missions, of the Corporation, including being a national leader in technological innovation, low-cost power, and environmental stewardship." In TVA's Environmental Policy they state: "Natural Resource Management - TVA protects natural resources while providing recreational opportunities across the valley." TVA also states their responsibility under "Water Resource Protection and Improvement - TVA manages an integrated river system for multiple uses while striving to provide clean and sufficient water for the valley's needs." TVA's Environmental Policy .
TVA's policy, Aquatic Species Management: http://www.tva.gov/rrsc/readingroom/aquaplantrec.htm
The policy states: Policy for managing aquatic plants in the Tennessee River system-
TVA will assume the leadership responsibility for resolving problems with, and disputes over, aquatic plants within the Tennessee River system. TVA will take the lead in bringing stakeholders and technical experts together to discuss and define the problems, voice concerns, design management plans, and develop funding strategies. Administration, implementation, and financial responsibilities will be negotiated among local, state, and federal government agencies, TVA and other stakeholders.
State of Alabama: The Department of Conservation and The Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) have responsibilities under several laws. Previously, ADEM did not issue permits for aquatic nuisance species control. Currently they are issuing permits for herbicide treatment. There are other responsibilities outlined in Alabama Water Resources Act. This law is referenced in the Code of Alabama Section 9-10B various subparts. Also relevant is the Alabama Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan which was developed by Governor Riley and signed into law but has never been funded. www.outdooralabama.com/education/generalinfo/ans/plan/AlANSPlan200812.pdf. A public law has been passed regarding aquatic nuisance species, and it may be found in the Code of Alabama Section 9-20. http://alisondb.legislature.state.al.us/acas/CodeOfAlabama/1975/coatoc.htm
There are several problems relating not only to government responsibility but to the Roseberry Rescue Group Responsibility.

There is no long term plan by any of the governmental entities or the Roseberry Rescue Group concerning their deployment of this herbicide. Nor has there been any scientific input concerning the impact on the fishery or native aquatic species relating to the long term use of the herbicide.
To continue to spend $150,000 in public funds every 3 years for the spraying of "water weeds" in an 1100 acre area without knowing the long term effects of the application is negligent. In 21 years (began in 2008) that will equal a total of $1.05 million dollars (2012 dollars) in tax dollars spent without any scientific input from biologists or a definitive plan to evaluate and resolve the problem for a long term solution.
It is significant that the Dry Creek area has been identified by government conservation agencies as an area affected by siltation and pesticide runoff. There are 2 sewage treatment plants releasing effluents in the area of Roseberry Creek. Killing off the aquatic species in the area will have an effect on the fishery and the lake. Aquatic species in shallow water serve a purpose to clean human waste and agricultural discharges. The possible repercussions of widespread aquatic species poisoning are not known at this time due to the lack of a study. However, in Florida and other areas there are horror stories related to excessive algae blooms killing off the fishery as a result of eliminating other aquatic plant species.
Previous stories from 4 years ago relating to this issue; including incidents of censorship on al.com due to discussion of the issue. http://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/Roseberry%20Rescue20Group
1 comment:
To bad four council members had thier minds made up before the meeting ever started and they have never been on roseberry to survey the problem seems like we need some new council people. Great presentation by Garry Morgan.
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