"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Scottsboro, Alabama March 25, 2019 Scottsboro City Council Meeting, Work Session and Regular Session - Committee Appointment for Municipal Judge Selection and More Problems

Scottsboro City Hall, photo by G. Morgan

(Click on image for an expanded view.)

VIDEO for Items 1 and 2 on Work Session Agenda

VIDEO for Items 3 thru 8 on  Work Session Agenda

(Click on image for an expanded view.)
Item 1 on Agenda - Scottsboro City Council Reconsiders Previous Decision, Approves County Park Road and Highway 72 Safety Improvement Project. 
Item 2 on Agenda - Stacy Ledwell appointed as Solid Waste director

Item 3 on Agenda - Wayne Moore appointed as Street Department Director
Item 4 on Agenda - Approval of a $4.5 million dollar bond issue.
Item 5 on Agenda - Cloverdale Rd. Property sale to highest bidder, Bobby Womack for $16,500
Item 6 on Agenda - Parks Ave Bridge renovation/construction bid awarded to Lambert Construction as lowest bidder, $517,850.00
Item 7 on Agenda - On call Asphalt Paving bid awarded to Wiregrass Construction as lowest bidder.
Item 8 on Agenda - Budget Amendment for funds moved to Chamber of Commerce for $2300.00

Agenda Item 4, Regular Session Cancelled, appointment of Municipal Judge - Council President Patrick Stewart appointed a Municipal Judge Selection Committee, the following elected and appointed officials are on the Committee per Council President's instructions: Mayor Shelton, Council Member Ashburn, Council Member Bailey, Human Resource Management Director Erin Green.  (19min 7sec in the below Regular Session Video)

Of note on this Committee selection is the Alabama Open Meetings Act, Code of Alabama 36-25A-1 (link: https://codes.findlaw.com/al/title-36-public-officers-and-employees/al-code-sect-36-25a-1.html ) and 36-25A-2 (link: https://codes.findlaw.com/al/title-36-public-officers-and-employees/al-code-sect-36-25a-2.html ); the Alabama Open Meetings Act is very specific as to committees and open meetings. 

The selection of the Municipal Court Judge is of great Public Interest, so is the City of Scottsboro's process of selection of this important position. Information has been received regarding attempted outside influences regarding the Municipal Judge Selection. 
There has also been a reply from the City Clerk of Scottsboro, via email, as to my request to be notified of the Municipal Judge Selection Committee meeting date, time and place: Quote - "There is no meeting. Patrick formed a committee consisting of 2 council members to setup interviews with the applicants to make a recommendation at the special called council meeting immediately following the work session on Monday April 1." 
My Reply to the City Clerk: "You might want to receive advice from Mr. Kennamer (city attorney) on this matter, "committee meetings" fall under the purview of the Open Meetings Act. If the City of Scottsboro, or official representatives, fail to follow the Alabama Open Meetings Act - specifically, Code of Alabama 36-25A-1, 36-25A-2 defines "Committees," may have adverse effects on any decision made outside of the legal requirements of the law.  This issue is easily resolved, follow the law."

Secrecy, a lack of disclosure/transparency, plain old bad decision making and alleged violations of law are the reasons the City of Scottsboro has had multiple issues, including a compromise of integrity, within the Municipal Court System of Scottsboro, Alabama.  

VIDEO for Regular Session

Facebook reports live video:   https://www.facebook.com/garry.l.morgan.5/videos/10218493522393051/

Monday, March 25, 2019

Scottsboro, Alabama - March 25, 2019 - Jackson County Commission Regular Session

Jackson County Courthouse, North Entrance photo by G. Morgan

(Click on image for an expanded view.)


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Scottsboro, Alabama March 18, 2019 - UPDATE: March 20, 2019, County Sales and TVAILO Tax Distribution - Jackson County Commission Meeting Regular Session, Continuation from March 11, 2019 Meeting on "Raising Revenue," Taxation, for Road Repairs - Work Session

Jackson County Courthouse, South Side photo by G. Morgan
Jackson County Commission on the Web: https://jacksoncountyal.gov/239/Commission

(Click on Image for an Expanded View.)

First up, the continuation from the March 11, 2019 Regular Session meeting regarding road repairs and raising revenue or taxes to make needed repairs and maintain Jackson County Roads.
Resolutions B and C were chosen to to send over to the Legislative Delegation.

Commission Chair Guffey (left), Commissioner Venable (center) and Commissioner Rich expressed concerns over the need to increase revenue for road repairs. 

Commissioner Sisk (left) and Commissioner Gilbert expressed concerns over road damage and a lack of funds to fix the damage.

County Sales Tax Distribution and TVA in lieu of tax distribution.
(Click on image for an expanded view.)
The only tax funds the county receives is TVA in lieu of tax; this source of revenue has decreased by 43% since 2012 as reflected on the chart pictured below. The sales tax revenue is for the city and county Boards of Education. The tax usage is governed by state law for education usage.

Regular Session Video

Work Session Agenda

Work Session Video

Scottsboro, Alabama - March 18, 2019 Scottsboro City Council Meeting, Regular Session, UPDATE March 20, 2019 Public Records Request - Agenda and Video - Municipal Court Judge Vacancy Announcement, Spay and Neuter Your Pets Charity Car Show

Scottsboro City Hall at Night, photo by G. Morgan

Last night was a Regular meeting of the Scottsboro City Council. Please note the agenda items below.
Items of interest: Agenda Item 1 - $3500 was approved for the Jackson County Spay Neuter Pets group for Charity Car show at the Goose Pond Park facility amphitheater; May 4, 2019 from 8 AM to 2 PM 
Agenda Item 3 - Mowing Contract awarded to Mt. Top Maintenance as low bidder, $42,225.
Agenda Item 7 - Request for Applications for Municipal Judge of the City of Scottsboro, Alabama no later than March 25, 2019, by 12 noon on that day. The current Municipal Judge has resigned with an effective date of March 31, 2019 

UPDATE - March 20, 2019 - Public Records Request, Dated: 3-19-19

 Under the Alabama Open Records Law 36-12-40 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of said public records, (Describe the records or information sought with enough detail for the public agency to respond.)  Also give the reason why you wish to review these records. (You must give a valid reason)
Dates of Records Requested September 1, 2018 thru March 15, 2019
1)   Records Requested:  Consultation Report, Memorandums of Record, Human Resource Management Report from Ms. Hope Hicks, Esq., an Attorney hired to conduct - Inquiry, Findings or Suggestions relating to the Scottsboro Municipal Court and personnel employed by the City of Scottsboro Municipal Court, and/or within the City of Scottsboro as an Employer of employees, as a result of complaints relating to Sexual Harassment, Sexual Discrimination, the Creation of a Hostile Work Environment, or a violation of Civil Rights as it relates to employees of the City of Scottsboro.
2)   Records Requested: Complaints of Sexual Harassment, Sexual Discrimination, and Creation of a Hostile Work Environment relating to the Employees of the City of Scottsboro working in the Municipal Court of Scottsboro, Alabama. Complaints made to Mayor, Human Resources Director, and/or the consulting Attorney, Ms. Hope Hicks, Esq., regarding the previously mentioned subject matter.
3)   Records Requested: Any Findings, Memorandums, Documents or Reports related to the subject matter requested above, within the date range listed above, including documents from City of Scottsboros Mayor, any City Council Member, Human Resource Director, Municipal Court Judge, or Finance Director.

Records Requested are to be utilized for non-profit news reporting on my blog, In the Boro, https:arklite.blogspot.com. Records provided may be released to other area media outlets. Information requested serves a public purpose to inform citizens.

Click on image for an expanded view.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Scottsboro, Alabama March 12, 2019 - Road Damage Due to Flooding - Cost Estimates Greater Than Initially Reported

Jackson County Courthouse, north side photo by G. Morgan

Serious problem within Jackson County regarding damage of county roads and money available to repair county roadways as a result of flooding.

Interview with the Jackson County Chair and Administrator today reveals the extent of road damage post flood, more damage is occurring. Initial estimate reflected $2 million to $3 million dollars for roads flood damage repair.

Current road damage estimates due to flooding, and associated damage, at this time are stated to be in excess of $7 million dollars, up to $10 million dollars is possible according to the Chair of the Jackson County Commission; the damage amount may increase as more damage evaluations and estimates are received.

VIDEO from the March 4, 2019 County Commission Work Session Regarding Roads

More on todays meeting will be revealed at weeks end.

Monday, March 11, 2019

March 15, 2019 UPDATE, Scottsboro, Alabama - Need for Transparency, Disclosure - Results of Public Records Request Regarding the Scottsboro Municipal Courts Submitted to the City of Scottsboro Mayor and City Clerk on February 18, 2019

Scottsboro City Hall, photo by G. Morgan

UPDATE - March 15, 2019

          Disclosures Needed - Transparency Needed

Elected Officials of the City of Scottsboro. You have a responsibility to the citizens to disclose misconduct and not keep secret the misconduct of city officials. You are compounding the problem by a lack of transparency.

Allegations have been made and reported. This is a question of whether the City of Scottsboro, as public policy, supports sexual harassment/creation of a hostile work environment, covering up of misconduct, and transparency of government operations relating to misconduct.

The City of Scottsboro hired an attorney, Ms. Hope Hicks as a consultant/attorney for matters involving public official’s misconduct within the City of Scottsboro, her findings should be released. Not releasing the attorney's findings related to misconduct and findings regarding the creation of a Hostile Work Environment and Sexual Harassment appears to be a coverup to protect those involved in such misconduct, unless you disclose fully what has occurred in our Municipal Courts. 

The $19,000 plus dollars paid out involving the Municipal Court problem, which is an expenditure of public funds, part of the money not approved by the City Council in public, is a reason to disclose the truth and the findings of the hired counsel related to the creation of a hostile work environment/sexual harassment and other problems relating to the Municipal Court of the City of Scottsboro, Alabama.

Public Records Request(Original request signed, submitted February 18, 2019)
Under the Alabama Open Records Law 36-12-40 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of said public records, (Describe the records or information sought with enough detail for the public agency to respond.)  Also give the reason why you wish to review these records. (You must give a valid reason)

Records Requested: 1) On or about February 1, 2019; or during the first week following Feb. 1, 2019, the Chief of Police, Ralph Dawe sent forward to the Mayor and City Council a information memorandum or notice, outlining Scottsboro Police Department concerns regarding the case activity and or conduct of the the current Municipal Judge, Scott Berry. Please provide a copy of this public document as soon as possible. 2) On or about November 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019, per information from City Officials, a payment for legal services utilizing City of Scottsboro, Al. funds was made to an attorney, per report by the last name of Snow,to represent Municipal Judge Scott Berry in the sum of approximately $7000.00. It was also reported that travel expenses were paid to Judge Berry for this reported trip to Montgomery, Al. where lawyer Snow was located. Please provide copies of any vouchers or checks paid by the City of Scottsboro, Al. related to this event, eg. Attorney fees and or travel documentation as soon as possible, to include any other attorneys or firms related to Judge Berrys representation paid for by the City of Scottsboro, Al.

The documents information requested is of a public interest which may be utilized as a news story in various news media outlets to include but not limited to my blog, a non-profit news and information blog regarding local issues and news events, In the Boro,” https://arklite.blogspot.com

 Summary: All documents requested were received on March 4, 2019. The documents received included personal information, Social Security Numbers, SSN, of private individuals and bank account numbers of the government entities; there was no redaction of SSN nor account numbers. Such numbers will be redacted in this report.

Some of the information within the documents requested is not listed as it is speculative in nature and may or may not reflect an accurate, professional opinion.

Reason for Records Request, Problems Within the Municipal Court System of Scottsboro, Alabama; Current and Historical Issues:

 Synopsis of the problem including historical issues:
Problem regarding the Municipal Court Judge as reported and confirmed - https://www.waff.com/2019/02/01/scottsboro-judge-strikes-plea-deal-reckless-endangerment-case/?fbclid=IwAR31xmTaAEMI0CrV9L_qy412egRsDCiTEkj4sMi3MTVHzRvah08MVE1gsYw  WAFF NEWS Story. Resignation of Judge Berry, update with links to previous stories on issue: http://www.waff.com/2019/02/26/embattled-scottsboro-municipal-judge-resign-next-month/ Judge Berry's effective date of resignation will be March 31, 2019, as reported by the Scottsboro City Council President Patrick Stewart.

Judicial Canon of Ethics:   http://judicial.alabama.gov/library/RulesCanons

Historical articles regarding current issues and the history of the Municipal Court of Scottsboro, Alabama - concerns and events associated with sexual discrimination and harassment within the Scottsboro political entity:   https://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/Municipal%20Court  The issue of sexual discrimination/creation of a hostile work environment is not addressed in this report. NOTE: Item 3 on the February 25, 2019 agenda - 
Approval for $11,800 regarding professional services for Ms. Hope Hicks, Attorney, representation for the City of Scottsboro regarding the Judge Scott Berry case and problems within the municipal court.  Ms. Hicks legal expertise includes Civil Rights issues and employment law.

Previously stated - There are city officials and employees (4) who have made statements to me, but must remain as a confidential source due to fear and probability of retribution carried forth against the employee or public official. I can understand why some of the confidential source information may be confusing, however without permission to release names in this developing situation there is nothing more I can say until specific public records information is received or official findings are released. This public records disclosure addresses some of the issues.

REPORT, IN PART, FROM "THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE SCOTTSBORO POLICE DEPARTMENT, SCOTTSBORO, ALABAMA; FROM CHIEF OF POLICE RALPH DAWE, TO HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL; SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL JUDGE; DATED JANUARY 30, 2019 (Parts of this report are not included as they reflect speculation.) Concerns as listed by Chief Dawe as reported to the City Council and the Mayor regarding criminal law violations of defendants and their adjudication are listed in the photos below. 

Quote from Chief Dawe submission: "I have a very deep concern that the present Municipal Judge is conducting court business . . . not follow[ing] the minimum standards of the Code of Alabama regarding sentencing and fine parameters."
(Click on image to expand view.)

 Money Received in the Scottsboro Municipal Courts Fund, Payment of Fines, 2007 thru 2018. Decrease in funds due to suspension of Judicial Correction Services, JCS; Case in U.S. District Court, Northern District of Alabama, Huntsville Alabama - Link:   https://www.clearinghouse.net/chDocs/public/CJ-AL-0006-0010.pdf  News article, Department of Justice input regarding JCS and Municipal courts.   https://www.al.com/news/birmingham/2016/03/doj_reminds_judges_they_cant_j.html

Municipal Judge Administrative Fund checks paid to Butler Snow LLP for legal representation of Judge Berry. Total amount paid for legal representation, checks #s 2121 1nd 2123, $7,000. Check # 2122 was paid for travel expenses in the amount of $378.00 to Judge Berry's travel to Montgomery, Al. and return. Account numbers and signature blocks are redacted from checks. City of Scottsboro checks were signed by the Finance Director Rick Wheeler and the City Clerk Whitney Phillips

There is no Scottsboro City Council meeting today, Monday, March 11, 2019, as City Council Members are in Washington D.C. for the Alabama League of Municipalities Meeting. 
Next meetings, work session and regular meeting will be March 18, 2019

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Scottsboro, Alabama - March 4, 2019 - Scottsboro City Council Work Session, 2 Part Video - 6 Citizens Spoke About the Hwy 72 County Park Rd Safety Project

Scottsboro City Hall, photo by G. Morgan

55 citizens were present for tonights City Council Work Session. 


Part 1 Video

Part 2 Video

Scottsboro, Alabama - March 4, 2019 - Jackson County Commission Work Session, 3 Part Video and Careful of the Pending Resolution, It Is a Tax Increase, or an Attempt to Divert Schools Taxes

North Side of the Jackson County Courthouse, photo by G. Morgan

Agenda (all commissioners approved the agenda)
Click on image to expand view.

1) County Roadside cleanup - Much was discussed involving communities and businesses in the roadside cleanup. Since Jackson County has plenty of money in its General Account, NOT, it was discussed that the county should buy Game Cameras with solar power, cellular modem for communications with the "Cloud." No total number of the camera units were discussed, the high tech cameras would be utilized for catching garbage dumpers. Cost $499.00 per unit, not including labor for installation in an elevated position.

2) The Pending Resolution - There was no description on the agenda of what was pending. It became obvious after a few minutes why there was no description about the issue. Shhh, don't tell, all of this pending is an  attempt to raise taxes, even if it includes taking schools taxes, Commissioners mentioned, they will not miss it if we take the growth increase in schools tax or a small percentage of the tax. 

 New Board Room with video/audio equipment, elevated platform for the Commissioners. A "Pending Resolution," but that is not all for my expressed concern, such as voting on issues during work sessions, even though the item voted on was not on the agenda, not even an emergency declaration. Sitting the rules aside is always an option at the new commission's thrown of secrecy to spend funds, transfer equipment and materials not stated on an agenda or discussed previously. At least not in an open meeting. SHHH, we got secrets.

Beware, hidden in the new thrown chamber are the "tax snakes," some call them "Pending Resolutions." 1/2 CENT TO 1 CENT SALES TAX WAS STATED.
Executive Magazine's "Tax Snakes" illustration - Fair Use for non-profit news reporting and commentary. 

On one hand the commission complains it is in trouble financially due to the flood damage, no doubt repairing the damage will cost the county's citizens near $3 million dollars, according to the county engineer. Unfortunately there is only $2 million in the account to cover costs, according to Mr. Venable. Never fear, we will build a new commission board room, complete with a Commission Chair who doesn't want to clarify the "Pending Resolution" meaning. Which apparently includes taking a portion of the county schools tax. However, only if the commissioners can con the Legislative Delegation into submitting their scheme of the "Pending Resolution" to the state legislature
CLARIFICATION VIDEO -  Schools tax diversion, surely not? 


Part 1 video, there is a suggestion to spend money on Game Cameras, with a cellular connection, cloud storage, and solar power, high expense to deter and photograph trash dumpers; how many cameras? These cameras are $500.00 each, not including the cloud storage capabilities as mentioned in the discussion.

Part 2 "Watch for Snakes," the tax snake. Agenda Item 2, "Pending Resolution." A sneaky way of introducing proposals to increase taxes and/or redistribute taxes from County Education Tax coffers without stating the item on the agenda.

Agenda Item 3) Part 3 video, HRRR, High Risk Rural Roads Safety Project, County Road 77. Jackson County roads damage as a result of flooding, photos of flooding. Description of FEMA requirements and time frames.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Scottsboro, Alabama - March 3, 2019 -Update on the John T. Reed Parkway, U.S. Highway 72 Safety Improvement Project - Questions to the Scottsboro City Council

Scottsboro City Hall - photo by G. Morgan

Thursday, February 28, 2019 - I sent the following requests for information via Facebook Messenger to each City Council Member regarding the reasoning for their NO or YES vote on the County Park, U.S. Hwy 72 road project. Each member of the Scottsboro City Council acknowledged receiving the message related to the proposed County Park Rd., U.S. Highway 72 project. 

Message sent: Do you have any comment as to your NO or YES vote reasoning for the Hwy 72, County Park Road project. Info to be utilized on my blog. 


Question: Do you have any comment as to your NO vote reasoning for the Hwy 72, County Park Road project. Info to be utilized on my blog.  

Gary Stewart
James Gary Stewart's Reply via Messenger: When this project was first brought up several months ago I stated at a Council work session that I thought the plan was not enough improvement for safety.
The area in front of Western Sizzlin has had more fatalities than County Park and 72. If the plan had included plans for further up the highway I would have been much more likely to vote for the plan. I also believe the proposed red light would make traffic worse being so close to the existing red light. Traffic already backs up beyond that point daily.

Greg Mashburn
Greg Mashburn's Reply via Facebook Timeline: All concerned citizens of Scottsboro,
I want to explain my no vote in Monday nights council meeting. I did not think that limiting access in and out of Taco Bell, McDonald’s, Calvary Church and the Chevron was a valid solution to heavy traffic times; if anything this would only have been a short term fix and possibly even caused more issues.I wanted to see the red light at county park intersection and hwy 35 working properly before a decision was made on spending over 100k.
I would like to focus on completing the service roads and look at putting a light at Byron road making 72 access safer. I will never be against any business willing to invest in Scottsboro or its citizens. I couldn’t in good conscience vote for something that is only an estimate, when we are asking the people of Scottsboro to fund our own SRO’s. Our budgets have to be on point when considering old/new construction. We have several projects that will need funding and paving streets is one that will definitely need attention sooner rather than later. I appreciate everyone’s concern on this matter because we are a community that will thrive on being united.
Thank you,
Greg Mashburn

Patrick Stewart
City Council President Patrick Stewart's Reply:: "You can get my quote from the Jackson County Sentinel. Brad came by and interviewed me Tuesday." Feb. 28, 2019 article by Brad Nevels titled, (link)  City Council Votes Against Highway Safety Project  The Sentinel may require a subscription to view this story. 

Question: Do you have any comment as to your YES vote reasoning for the Hwy 72, County Park Road project. Info to be utilized on my blog. 

Pudge Bailey
Richard Pudge Bailey's Reply via Messenger:  As you’re aware being at the work session the week before, we have an opportunity to develop in this area. I ran for council because I wanted to represent all the people of Scottsboro. Any developments create more jobs. Also the retail creates more tax revenue for the city. This would of also corrected the situation with the access road on the west bound side of 72 by connecting it. I understand there were concerns about the Taco Bell entrance. The mayor had did the leg work of meeting with the business owners to help them understand the need for this. To my knowledge none were against it. 72/County Park area is one of the busiest intersections in Scottsboro. Having the state pay for 90% of improvements to help bring in more retail & help with traffic flow would be a good thing for Scottsboro.

Mike Ashburn
Mike Ashburn's Reply via Messenger: The County Park, U.S. Hwy 72 intersection Grant Project was in the process for months before I was elected to the Scottsboro City Council. Before and after being elected I researched this project. Being a resident I noticed problems with this intersection with heavy traffic, delays and accidents. An engineering firm was hired by the City to do a traffic study and recommend improvements for this heavy traffic count intersection within the City. The Alabama Department of Transportation approved a grant of over a million dollars to improve the intersection with the City paying around 10 percent of the cost thus giving the City 900 thousand to improve this intersection. This project in my opinion will be an improvement to both U.S. Hwy 72 and County Park Road to help with the traffic flow especially at peak times when traffic is heavy. Developers of property on U.S. Hwy 72 have stated that the improvements at the intersection will help with retail facilities along this area that will be a benefit for all of us in the City of Scottsboro for shopping and entertainment. Additional retail outlets will allow for more shopping and dining here in our City that will increase our tax base thus allowing more City services to be had by the residents.

For the City Council Members that took the time to provide a reply, thank you. You represent responsible, open government and government stewardship for the people.  

**Food for Thought**
Council members voting no, if you will read your statements carefully you should recognize the problem apparent regarding your NO vote. 

 Since all of you agree safety improvements are needed, it is a matter of deciding priorities. 

Money has already been spent on engineering, design and approval for County Park Rd and Hwy 72 safety improvement. Where is the place to start if not there?