Old Business: 1) Public Hearing on the rezoning of Goose Pond Island old aluminum plant property from R1 to M1. 5 citizens spoke for the property to be rezoned, a petition with over 500 local residents signatures was presented for the rezoning initiative. The North Island Investment Group made a presentation supporting restrictive covenants on property usage. 2 citizens spoke in favor of retaining the R1, Residential Zoning designation for the property. It was pointed out that statements had been presented to the public in Chamber of Commerce publications by developers that the property in question would be utilized for usage as identified in residential zoning. 2) Consider Zoning Ordinance. Tabled, postponed until further information could be acquired by the new council members and the proposed covenant restrictions could be reviewed.
New Business: 1) Polymide Water Sewer and Gas Bid Opening approval. The low bid was awarded to Lambert Construction Co. of Stevenson for $166,076.10 for infrastructure improvement of the Polymide Plant area. 2) Air;port Resolution approved for improvements and agreement with Alabama Department of Transportation, $34,310.00 3)Mayor Potter announced, Cpt. Chris White was approved for the Fire Chief's position, the City Council approved, effective Dec. 1, 2008. 4) Council Members Gary Speers and Thermon Bell made Board Appointments for committees they sit as Chairman. 5) Mayor Potter announced that Dec. 26, 2008 will be a Holiday for the City of Scottsboro. The 24th thru the 26th of December will be the Christmas Holiday dates for the City of Scottsboro.
Mayor's and Other Reports: Dec. 1 at 6PM will be the Christmas Parade; Thursday and Friday Nov. 27 & 28 will be a Holiday period for the City of Scottsboro. The next City Council Meeting will be Dec. 8, 2008 at 6PM. City Budget Hearings will continue on Dec. 8, 9, & 11, 2008 at 4:30PM.
I love your blog. I would love to cover our county government, but until recently I was a part of it. Thank God I got out when I did. Are you for or against the Goose Pond rezoning? All politicians are snakes!!!
I am for the rezoning of the old Aluminum Plant Property from R1 to the requested M1 designation. The current zoning is a result of the Legislative Act, which requires the property to be zoned in the most restrictive zoning available, R1, in the absence of a request otherwise. This was the result of no zoning request from the previous owners, Liberty National, at the time of the Legislative Act taking the property into the city Limits.
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