Some of our media and politicians of the local area demonstrate the meaning of fools and tyrants. 8 postings by different posters were removed from the Scottsboro Message Board, so called public forum. There was no violation of forum policy on the latest rounds of discussion on Scottsboro's Message Board on al.com. Just discussion questioning the sensibility of comments made by the above mentioned politicians in their press conference. After all, where will the Agent Orange come from that State Representative John Robinson threatened. There should be no doubt at this point, Advance Media-al.com, are governed locally by the Socialist Bourbon Democrat Party. I guess my listing of Daniel Webster's comment was more than the tyrants could stand, "God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it." This link was also removed, http://www.borderfirereport.net/chuck-baldwin/apathetic-pastors-and-christians-killing-america.html, other links were removed such as this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUh1gHG2jns This link reflected breakthroughs in cancer research, I guess it was more than Dr. Griffith could stand. Questions were removed, such as "Why would a Pharmacist, Lowell Barron, and an Oncologist, Parker Griffith, not be concerned over the cause of the aquatic weed growth?" {and} "Are our political representatives placing the cart before the horse?" Reference the political representatives concern over aquatic weeds instead of TVA's mounting debt. It is shameful that Advance Media or any media outlet would become a pawn of tyrant politicians such as the local Bourbon Socialist Democrats.
Garry, you and I both know that al.com is controlled by Advance Internet/Advance Publications. HOWEVER, the main individual that controls al.com cencorship is Ken Booth. He is also Kingbud (and formerly Whatabeach) on the forums. His main base for posting on the forums is in the Huntsville forums, as he resides in Madison. His weird concern in my posting, and his weird concern with Pat Cobern in Prattville and her group of political trolls, is astounding. I would think that Advance Publications would be more concerned about what is posted on their forums. HOWEVER, THEY ARE NOT. You and I will CONTINUE to be banned, and censored, because we speak the truth. Get ready for more reprisal. Have you considered contacting al.com's advertisers? That would be an excellent source of accomplishment, if they are alerted to the perversion and nastiness that is allowed on al.com forums, yet truth is erased. I support you, Garry. P.S., I also believe LocknLoad to be Ken Booth, as well. You can contact me at my email address, for further info.
I'm trying to cover the aquatic weeds story. If you guys have any insights that I could use for a story or two please get in touch with me at the following email:
you can read my recent story on a federal earmark for Scottsboro that may go wrong at the following link:
Thank you for your comment Michael. I have read your story on the Federal Earmark for Scottsboro and so have others. Thanks for writing it.
The weed control issue is interesting as it relates to the TVA's management of the Tennessee River resource.
A lack of funds at the TVA is a result of mismanagement. Just today the Nashville Tennessean announced credit card fraud and misappropriation on the part of TVA Employees. There needs to be serious oversight placed on the TVA.
Their stewardship of the river and controlling aquatic nuisance species is an important responsibility for the TVA.
The TVA has a problem with realizing their environmental stewardship responsibilities are as important as their generation of power. The failure of TVA's management to recognize these short comings are responsible not only for a lack of nuisance species control but also neglect of power plant sludge dam engineering.
There is a culture of mismanagement in the TVA which has resulted in a massive debt for the TVA and a continuing trend of neglect toward the river, dams and everything other than nuclear, which is another story all together but is one of the reasons TVA is in dire financial difficulties.
Link on my blog that covers all TVA related items. http://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/TVA
The TVA is one of my favorite "rant and raves" topics.
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