There are some questions which must be answered concerning Scottsboro's financial transactions related to refinancing of bonds and bond deals. Has Scottsboro participated in bond swaps or derivatives of the sort discussed in the New York Times article?
An inquiry has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Attorney concerning this question.
Fair use rights for non-profit news and discussion. Photo by Alabama Department of conservation.
Aquatic Nuisance Species such as Hydrilla is an issue for local, state and federal government.
Aquatic Weed Issues. A request for assistance has been sent to Governor Riley concerning Aquatic Nuisance Weeds in the Tennessee River, specifically the Roseberry/Dry Creek area and the proposed plans of a local citizen's group, the Roseberry Rescue Group.
A reply has been received. The Alabama Department of Conservation will be looking into this issue as instructed by Governor Riley.
It appears political manipulation by high level members of the Democrat Party are creating problems concerning this issue. This situation is typical of Alabama political action or a failure of action due to political faction bickering.
The Alabama Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force was created in 2005 by Governor Riley, a Republican. The Appropriations for projects such as Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force are controlled by Democrats. Political faction bickering is preventing a resolution to these problems at the state level.
The TVA is a corporate entity of the United States. It is funded solely by the sale of electrical power to the various local electrical power providers within the TVA service area.
The environmental stewardship of Guntersville Lake is in part the responsibility of the U.S Government thru the TVA and in part the State of Alabama thru the Alabama Department of Conservation. These agencies along with the Alabama Department of Environmental Management as authorized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have regulatory responsibility on the Alabama portion of the Tennessee River, its reservoirs and tributaries.
The use of herbicides in this large body of water will require a permit under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The City of Scottsboro has not acquired the professional opinions of federal or state biologists in this project.
The City of Scottsboro has approved appropriations with stipulations of other funding and review of the private applicator's guarantee of the aquatic weed project.
Scottsboro local news media has presented very one sided stories about this project in support of the Roseberry Rescue Group. They have not presented the negative side of the Roseberry Rescue Groups proposals. Scottsboro's local news media has been presented with information concerning the negative issues of proposed application of Floridone to the Roseberry and Dry Creek areas of Guntersville Reservoir. However, they have not covered the legal, political and environmental issues concerning private citizens applying herbicide poisons to Guntersville Reservoir in violation of applicable laws.
There is a front page article in today's Scottsboro Daily Sentinel concerning the aquatic weed issue.
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