There has been much discussion concerning the Roseberry Creek and Dry Creek Aquatic nuisance species problem in Dry Creek & Roseberry Creek concerning the disbursement of $42,500 of taxpayer money to the Roseberry Rescue Group, a group of private citizen lakeside homeowners, from the Scottsboro City Council. I have presented an opposing viewpoint of this situation to the City Council last night, along with forum discussions of this issue on al.com, Scottsboro forum. My postings on al.com were removed.
The following post thread is taken from al.com, Scottsboro forum. It is an example of the Maskarovka. Al.com moderators have participated in a distortion of the post threads by removing specific ad hominem abusive attacks, while leaving other ad hominem abusive posts. This distorts the post threads as the reply will remain resulting in a non-sensible reply. This is a new tactic not seen previously on al.com, Scottsboro forum. Previously a whole series of posts in a string would be removed.
Other postings on al.com removed concerned Bellefonte and aquatic nuisance weeds.
Post Title: gary by sboro3 4/7/09 10:02 ET
Why do you complain about people attacking you when that is the first thing you resort to when someone askes a question that you cant answer. There are several examples below. I will list a few...1) you pointed out a case that Mr. Harrelson presided over, which has nothing to do with this issue because someone else said he was a good man. That is an attack.2)you post a link to a video calling me an idiot3) you call anyone that doesnt agree with you a bourban democrat
Are you capable of having an debate without the attacks? I have asked you numerous questions that you wont answer. these are still listed if you care to answer.1)why wont you run for public office?2)what would you advertise about Scottsboro if the weeds make it so that the lake cant be used? The only answer i recieved was you calling me an idiot
Why do you complain about people attacking you when that is the first thing you resort to when someone askes a question that you cant answer. There are several examples below. I will list a few...1) you pointed out a case that Mr. Harrelson presided over, which has nothing to do with this issue because someone else said he was a good man. That is an attack.2)you post a link to a video calling me an idiot3) you call anyone that doesnt agree with you a bourban democrat
Are you capable of having an debate without the attacks? I have asked you numerous questions that you wont answer. these are still listed if you care to answer.1)why wont you run for public office?2)what would you advertise about Scottsboro if the weeds make it so that the lake cant be used? The only answer i recieved was you calling me an idiot
Reply post title: 6230.1. "Unfortunately" by ok224u 4/7/09 11:29 ET Re: gary by sboro3 4/7/09
The forum thread strings have been tampered with. Several posts have been removed which distorts the pattern of attacks from you and others.
The local forum moderators and you have participated in this charade. The distortion has been occurring since day one. It used to be when I would challenge a topic or political entity I would be removed from the forum, now the distortion and censorship takes on a different form which you are a participant.
You and others go ahead and wallow in your political deception as this is the state of Scottsboro and Jackson County Politics at the hands of the media pawns of some local politicians who distort the truth to local citizens in order to remain in office and maintain political control thru deception.
Your questions have been answered if I wanted to answer them. Your demanding, patronizing comments along with your previous attacks, since removed, are indicative of the worst of political charades that local politicians and their supporters undertake.
I have never stated that I don't utilize the ad hominem attack, I will utilize the ad hominem attack and point out how deception leads to distortion of truth.
The tactics which you and the moderators have intentionally participated this time around is the tactic of the Maskarovka, it is censorship and political distortion of the worst type utilizing a media product to accomplish your goal. http://arklite.blogspot.com/2009/03/maskarovka.html
The tactics which you and the moderators have intentionally participated this time around is the tactic of the Maskarovka, it is censorship and political distortion of the worst type utilizing a media product to accomplish your goal. http://arklite.blogspot.com/2009/03/maskarovka.html
The reason for the charade, distortion and propaganda, my difference of opinion concerning the Roseberry Creek issue and those influential individuals who have convinced the City Council to make a $42,500 appropriation to an influential private group of lakeside homeowners for the purpose of controlling aquatic weeds around their private property.
The reason for the charade, distortion and propaganda, my difference of opinion concerning the Roseberry Creek issue and those influential individuals who have convinced the City Council to make a $42,500 appropriation to an influential private group of lakeside homeowners for the purpose of controlling aquatic weeds around their private property.
The lengths you and others will go thru to distort reality of the situation is very remarkable.
(end of discussion threads since deleted)>>>
Update April 8, 2009:
The media censors and local politicians do their dirty deed once again. I have been banned once again for telling the truth on al.com, Scottsboro forum. Many postings removed discussing the Aquatic weed issue and the Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant issue. More of the same deceit, more of the repressive actions of local political leadership coupled with local media serving as their messengers of deceit. All the while personal attacks continue.
It seems truth is more than lying scheming manipulative politicians and their media pawns can tolerate. However, others are allowed to issue forth personal attacks against me on the Scottsboro forum. Very telling, very revealing, very typical of local deceiving politicians and their media pawns.
The practice of the Maskarovka is alive and well in Scottsboro, Alabama. Another practice that is alive and well is bold face censorship practiced by some media outlets. Seems some media outlets will utilize censorship and deceit in support of their political choices and issues while eliminating disagreement and dissenting political speech.
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