Tonight's City Council Pledge of Allegiance was lead by the Local Boy Scout Troop 220.
>>1) Approval to repair roof of Goose Pond Civic Center. 2) Approval of $5,000 appropriation to Women's Business Council with stipulation that funding must be acquired for the matching grant amount before funds issued. 3) Approval of Mr. Kennamer to transfer property ownership of Sumner Cemetery to City of Scottsboro per previous agreement with owners. 4) Approval to extend Charter Communication's Franchise to operate in city for a period of 1 year. 5) Ordinance approved to change City Council procedures for holding Committee meetings after the 3rd Monday work sessions. 6) Bid Opening for 113 feet access road extension in front of Police Annex. Bids were rejected due to incomplete plans. Project is to be rebid. 7) TVA Agreement to remove fallen trees in City Park approved.
Citizen Comments to City Council: Appreciation expressed for the storm cleanup and placement of defibrillators in public buildings. Suggestion was made to install a microwave relay to change lights upon approach by Emergency Vehicles at dangerous intersections.
Mr. Parsons, Tourism Director for the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce made presentation concerning National Tourism Week. The Mayor declared the period of May 9-17 as National Tourism Week for Scottsboro. Mr. Parson stated that there are 547 jobs in Jackson County related to Tourism. He also stated Tourism brings in $12.2 Million in Jackson County annually.
The Mayor mentioned this weekend is the Fly-in at Word Field. This year the event will be a 1 day only event, Saturday May 2nd.
This weekend is a First Monday Trade Days Weekend.
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