Nu-Start has announced they will not participate in the Bellefonte Nuclear Project. This article from the Huntsville Times today. http://www.al.com/news/huntsvilletimes/local.ssf?/base/news/1241169332232650.xml&coll=1
Some important phrases from the article: 1. "The change," it said, "is designed to align industry and regulatory resources with a license application that has specific, near-term construction plans."
The TVA Act prevents Nu-Start from participating (TVA is not allowed to sell power outside of its service area.) and TVA can not afford half of a reactor much less 4. There are various geological problems with the area.
These facts plus the Obama administration will soon change the face of the TVA's Board prevents Nu-Start from participating. Nu-Start consists of publicly held stock companies. The Nu-Start entity companies are not going to loose their proverbial buttocks over TVA's hair brain schemes to spend billions of dollars while the TVA has an unmanageable, growing debt situation.
2. "The switch in designation "doesn't change our plan," TVA spokesman Terry Johnson said Thursday. Building and operating two AP1000 reactors "is still an option for the Bellefonte site," he said."
Changing their plan? The TVA is in "lala land." TVA is intent on feeding the citizens of Jackson County and the TVA area with copious amounts of propaganda. The TVA's propaganda in conjunction with that from the areas federal, state and in some cases local politicians and bureaucrats will never result in a completed Bellefonte project. Wake up citizens and smell the stench of continued TVA political propaganda! The TVA can not afford 1/2 of a nuclear reactor much less 4 as proposed for Bellefonte. TVA's continuation of the proposed 4 reactor plan for Bellefonte is a continuation of TVA's culture of management deceit.
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