1) Rudder Williams representing the Scottsboro Airport Board made a presentation concerning property acquisition surrounding Word Field, FAA Funding and cost sharing of projects and the need for emergency power generation equipment. 2) Roy Light of the Water Sewer and Gas Board made presentation concerning sewer upgrade grant request for Earl and Brown St. area. 3) An announcement was made concerning Scottsboro Park and Recreation Board member term expiration. Jim Olyneic's term is expiring. Individuals wishing to fill the position must have their application turned into the City Clerk by Thursday May 21, 2009 12 noon. 4) Hugh Whisenant made presentation concerning the Catfish Festival which will be held on Saturday May 16 from 10AM till 5PM. A request for $1000 was also submitted to help fund the Festival. 5) Judge Harralson made presentation concerning the Roseberry Rescue Groups plans of applying Floridone to the Roseberry and Dry Creek area. It was reported that the Roseberry Rescue Group has on hand over $42,500. It was also reported that the Roseberry Group has a line of credit to cover costs. The group requested the City Council release the $42,500 at the next Council Meeting. 6) Jim Olyneic from the City Planning Commission made presentation concerning City Biking Trails, requested Resolution in support of Phase 1 of the Trails Plan.
Reports: 1)The Mayor recognized Ms. Cathy O'Shields as this is City Clerk Recognition Week. 2) The Mayor reported that he and Mr. Hodges toured Bellefonte along with 25 other local officials. Received presentation from Mr. Jack Bailey, TVA Vice President Nuclear Generation Development. Nu-Start cancelled their involvement with TVA last week in the Bellefonte project. Mayor reported TVA plans to continue the licensing requests of Units 1 & 2. The Mayor also reported that the TVA will not begin construction on a nuclear project while another is under construction. Watts Bar is currently under construction. Construction on Bellefonte, according to the Mayor, will begin around 2013.
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