The Multi-Cultural Heritage Foundation is a 501C3 non-profit organization. Donations are graciously accepted and may be mailed to the Scottsboro Jackson County Multi-Cultural Heritage Foundation, P.O. Box 1557, Scottsboro, Alabama, 35768
It is Ms. Washington whose idea that has been the driving force behind this project. The book titled the "Scottsboro Boy" sparked her interest in the case when she was 18. Ms Washington discovered the book hidden under a bed. Originally her parents had forbid her from reading the book, they were afraid of the emotional damage it might cause.
Ms. Caldwell plays Christmas music during the open house. Other singers included Ms. Stephanie Speers and Ms. Rebeca Parrish.
Pictured left to right: Ms. Washington, Rev. Tom Bell and Mr. Charles Rhodes, District Attorney for Jackson County Alabama
Pictured left to right: Ms Washington, and Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Stevens of Scottsboro.
Ms. Cheryl Snodgrass-Caffey (center of photo) discusses the displays and the Scottsboro Boys Case with members of the community.
Pictured left to right: Mr. Horrace Clemmons, Commissioner District 4, Jackson County Commission, Ms. Washington and Ms. Clemmons.
There were 52 people who attended the open house. Displays of art, poetry and history of the Scottsboro Boys Case were set up around the historic church.
Article from "Left in Alabama:"
Huntsville Times article: "Remembering Scottsboro Boys," Monday, December 21, 2009
By David Brewer
By David Brewer
Open house held at site of museum set to open in February.
Open house held at site of museum set to open in February.
SCOTTSBORO - Frigid temperatures Sunday could not keep Doris Baker of Decatur from driving here to attend an open house at the 131-year-old Joyce United Methodist Church where the Scottsboro Boys Museum will officially open on Feb. 1.
"I've led many protests," Baker, a civil rights activist, said as she looked at photographs of the early 1930s trials of nine black men accused of raping two white women. "But one of the things that gives me strength" in the fight against social injustice "is things like this..."
Read the rest of the story by David at this link.
Unfortunately this project has had its detractors due to racism and bigotry in the community. Threats were made early on in the process to Mr. J.P. Parsons, Tourism Director, Jackson County Chamber of Commerce.
Threats of arson and racial hate speech have been conveyed on local internet discussion forums, Forum on December 16, 2009 between the hours of 11:24PM and 11:31PM. 1) "LET US ALL KNOW WHEN YOU GET THAT BLACK MUSEUM BUILT AND WE WILL BURN IT DOWN WITHIN THE MONTH." 2) "someone needs to take hussein obammy out soon." 3) "you idiots in scottsboro do what you want. you only making fools of yourselves.did the good white people hang any blacks 130 years ago? blacks get to much as it is.oh the good ole days with the cotton being pick. they knew their place then."
"Left in Alabama" You Tube Video: Many thanks to "Left in Alabama," excellent article and video, very professional job.
"We must learn the lessons of our history or we will surely repeat our mistakes." Garry Morgan
It was great meeting you and the other organizers on Sunday!
Please keep us updated on your progress and Left In Alabama will be there for the grand opening in February!
A big thank you from all of us, your article was great!
Have a safe, happy, very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season.
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