Monday night work session agenda. 1) Discussion on review of CDA, Commercial Development Authority, applications. Appointments will be made for next Monday. 2) Discussion on reclassification of Department Heads from appointed officials, non-classified, to hired officials classified. There are two positions within city government that must be appointed, non-classified positions, the City Clerk and the Police Chief. 3) Discussion on Public Hearing for new Zoning Ordinace. Zoning Ordinace draft may be viewed at http://www.cityofscottsboro.org/index.phpoption=com_content&task=view&id=121&Itemid=207
4) Discussion on whether sale of old Police Department building should be by sealed bid or public auction. 5) Solid Waste Methane Recovery Project discussion, CDG Engineering proposal brought forward. Related to the Solid Waste Department, an ADEM Grant has been approved for Scottsboro's Recycling program. The grant amount is unknown according to Mr. Blizzard.
Citizen Remarks: Mr. Marvin Holcomb requested a contract be approved for him to mow the city boat ramps. This is the third time Mr. Holcomb has requested he be paid to mow the boat ramps in the city limits.
Reports: 1) Boy Scout Troop 220 delivered the Pledge of Allegiance, Mr. Spears gave a special recognition to the Scouts. 2) Fire Department received a $24,000 cost share grant for the purchase of new equipment. 3) Mr. Smith: "We hope the CDA (Commercial Development Authority) will be successful... some have had negative comments about the CDA. We all win if the CDA is successful and we all loose if it is not.
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