"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Scottsboro City Council

The Scottsboro City Council meeting consisted of a work session and a short, continued, regular meeting to accept a bid to remove trees from the cemetery.
Work Session: 1) County Park Manager, Carl Barnes, discussed the Cat Fish Festival and requested $1000 in support of the event. The 10th Annual Cat Fish Festival will be held May 15th 2010. 2) Yours truly, Garry Morgan, requested the vendors of 1st Monday be refunded half the money paid for spot rental. The current City Ordinance, # 502, states spots are to be rented for $5 per spot. However, the Mayors Office began charging $10.00 per spot without authority to do so as the new ordinance reflecting the change in First Monday Fees has not been codified. The vendors have been overcharged for their spots.
Council Member Keith Smith, in last evenings and other sessions when I spoke, attempted to intimidate me for my requests to the council concerning First Monday. On previous occasions Mr. Smith has stated the First Monday Event is "more trouble than it is worth" and accused me of being an "Obama Czar" for attempting to preserve the First Monday event. Councilman Smith has not been seen at First Monday except during election time. Mr. Smith's intimidation attempt was in response to a previous article on this blog. http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/04/mayors-office-of-scottsboro.html It is apparent to this writer Mr. Smith is only concerned about how HE PERSONALLY sees this historical Scottsboro event and is not concerned about any benefit the First Monday event brings to the City of Scottsboro.
3)Funding for the Scottsboro Boys Museum. Ms Sheila Washington made a presentation and answered questions from council members concerning this project. Museum staff have until the 15th of April to purchase the building or the leadership of the United Methodist Church have stated they will sell the building. 4) Mr. Rick Wheeler made presentation concerning GASB 45 reporting requirements. 5) Discussion concerning changing some Department Head positions from appointed-unclassified positions to classified positions, hired as any regular, classified employee. 6) Discussion of surplus property at the Solid Waste Department. 7) Reports: Mr. Gene Airheart received the Bronze Star Medal for his actions during World War 2 at 4PM at City Hall prior to the council meeting. Article from The Daily Sentinel: http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=4dd49be32140c4f8
Regular City Council meeting continuation from March March 22, 2010: There was one item on the agenda, bid approval for Cedar Hill Cemetery tree clearing. The contract was awarded to A-1 Tree Removal.

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