Once again the Jackson County Commission adjourned to go into a very lengthy Executive Session at meetings end Monday. Meeting time of the Executive Session was longer than the regular council meeting. Shh, we have secrets and we do not want the citizens to know what is happening, particularly with the County Park.
My sources tell me the 2 Commissioners present walked out on the mediation session with the Jackson County Park Board during last Thursday's Mediation at the County Park Boards Attorneys Office in Scottsboro. The following list was presented to the County Commission from the Jackson County Park Board: "1) Resend[Rescind] prior resolution passed by County Commission, working under an ominous board. 2) Abstain from interfering with day to day operations of Jackson County Park. If a Commissioner needs to address the Park Board, they should get on the agenda and address all park board members. 3) If a Commissioner wishes to speak to a [park] board member outside of his or her district, he or she should have that commissioner present. 4) Park Board will abide by all ADECA and TVA Rules. 5) Park Board wishes to continue operating with "Quick Books" and to have audits done by the Sate Examiner. 6) Park Board wishes to have same respect and be treated like all other Jackson county Boards. 7) Park Board would like to collect all titles on FEMA Campers that the commission has possession. 8) Park Board will assume responsibility of North Sand Mountain and Princeton Parks if necessary."
It appears the case will proceed to trial after legal review by the Court.
Other County Commission Business. Consent Agenda: 1) $6637.50 to Tennessee Valley Family Services for June 2010 approved. 2) $12753.40 was approved to pay Ladd Environmental Consultants for services during June 2010for the Jackson County Park.
Old Business: A motion was made and approved to Table a Park Board nomination by Commissioner Clemmons.
New Business: 1) Johnson Controls was awarded HVAC bid. 2) August 23,2010 Commission meeting was moved to August 19, 2010. 3) Approval for Back to School Sales Tax Holiday was approved. 4) Advertising was approved for the position of Heavy Equipment Mechanic for Public Works. 5) Lambert Construction was awarded bid for Jackson County Industrial Park Utility Project. 6) Jack Smiths Park Board nomination was tabled.
Executive Session was approved, I left for the City Council Meeting at 5:45, they were still in the Executive Session and had been there for 45 minutes. The County Attorney stated the reason for the Executive Session was for Good Name and Character.
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