Little known fact: The record of these first old vehicle's registration was found buried in the the old Boiler Room of the Jackson county Court House in 1993. The records were cleaned and restored, permission was obtained to remove and store the records at the Heritage Center where they are located at this time in the "Little Court House." Found buried with the old first auto registration records were the First Civil War Pension records describing in detail the battles and wounds received of our local Civil War Confederate Veterans. Early Property Tax Records were found dating back until 1875. An additional find was the jail feeding records documenting those people arrested and housed in the Jackson county Jail from 1930-1935. Documented were all people arrested during the Scottsboro Boys trials including those people on the train at when it was stopped at Paint Rock. The Civil War Pension Records and the Tax Records were returned to the Tax Assessors office in 1993. Mr. Crawford secured the documents in his safe when they were returned. The Jackson County Jail Feeding Records were taken to the Heritage Center permission for removal being granted by Judge Gentry.
Monday night was a work session, regular meeting and a public hearing concerning the new zoning ordinance. I will cover the outline of the regular meeting since all items in the regular meeting were discussed in the work session.
Public Hearing for new zoning ordinance. No one spoke for or against the issue of the zoning ordinance. The contractor, KTS, did give a brief discussion about changes. There will be an Institutional District added and 2 Planned Development areas added. No other zoning changes were made.
New Business: 1) Voting machine custodian approved for Aug 24, 2010 city election. 2) Election Officials pay resolution approved. 3) Absentee Manager pay resolution approved. 4) Mayor's appointment to the airport Advisory board, Mr. Tim Kennison was named as a replacement due to a resignation. 5) Petition to vacate Right of Way on property belonging to a Ms. Campbell in Larkinsville approved. 6) Bid opening and approval for purchase goes to Lee Smith Inc. of Chattanooga, Tn. in the amount of $124,101.00 7) Bid opening and approval of a 7000lb rated Fork Lift for the Solid Waste Department, Barlo world was awarded the bid in the amount of $25,513.00 8) Bid opening for the purchase of 2 Knuckle Boom Trucks from Southland International of Huntsville, Al. for $134,650. It was reported that the State of Alabama was with holding FEMA money for the purchase of these vehicles. It was stated there was a hold up due to Archaeological Concerns over tree stump removal. My Comments: Only entrenched bureaucrats on Monkey Hill, better known as the Montgomery statehouse, can come up with bogus ideology such as tree stump archaeological concerns to prevent the issue of FEMA money so stipulated for Scottsboro. It was stated Senator Barron was addressing the issue, more South Alabama Republican skulduggery? 9) Board of Zoning Adjustment, Mr Phillip Moore was appointed as a member. 10) Barge Wagoner was appointed as Engineer for the Recreation Field Project per recommendation of the Recreation Committee. 11) Access Road Engineer Planning Project discussed. Project to develop plans for access road from Hwy 35 to County Park Road. City Engineer presented estimate of $85,000 for costs of engineer planning if accomplished at this time. Council member Smith asked, "why now, we have waited all this time. It is not fair if the city pays for these costs when prior business have been required to pay the costs in the past." Another council member stated that we will pay now and the business can reimburse us for the cost of street planning. My comment: Business having to pay for a service the city should have already planned and paid is ludicrous. This is but one of the factors which causes business to think of Scottsboro as an unfriendly place to conduct business. Street planning is a function of government, it is government not business which should be paying for the planning of our streets, including the access street parallel to U.S. 72, John T. Reid Parkway. Make Scottsboro Business Friendly, don't run business off with bureaucratic red tape costing business tens of thousands of dollars for designing and planning a large access road which many businesses will use next to a major highway! 12) Approval to fund $2000 for the University of Alabama Bass Tournament called the "Fish Bowl." It was reported that 22 teams from throughout the SEC will participate in this 2 day event on July 24-25, 2010 at Goosepond Colony. Funding will be provided to the Chamber of Commerce.
Reports: 1)Mr. Thomas reported that the Dixie Youth 13-14 year old boys Baseball Teams will be holding a tournament in Scottsboro from July 16-20th. 2) Mr. Hodges has reported the old Police Station property auction will be postponed until after the Access Road is completed in front of the building.
The meeting was adjourned, to be continued on July 19, 2010.
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