Tonight was a regular meeting of the City Council. Old Business: New Zoning Ordinance was approved. Ordinance #558 will be published in The Daily Sentinel before the ordinance becomes effective. New Business: 1) 3 vacancies were announced for the Scottsboro IDB, Industrial Development Board. Terms of Mr. Ashmore, Mr. Benson and Mr. Porch expire. Applications for the IDB must be turned into the City Clerk prior to 4:30PM on August 13, 2010. 2) Mr. James Roberts was appointed to a 5 year term on the Museum Commission. 3) Polymide Industrial Road Bid Opening. No bids were received, City Engineer has authority to negotiate with contractors. 4) Mr. Jeff Hill was appointed to Zoning Board of Adjustment. 5) Annexation Ordinance approved for lots 2 & 3 in the Driftwood Shores sub-division; procedural rules were set aside prior to the issue being passed. 6) Drainage Bids for Cedar Hill Cemetery were rejected due to them being excessive and not in the best interests of the city. 7) Resolution approved to assess taxes within the Police Jurisdiction of Scottsboro. 8) Resolution approved to pay election workers on August 24, 2010 election. 9) Off sale Beer & Wine License approved for Sabers, 1713 S. Broad St. 10) $5500 approved for election supplies.
Reports: 1) Mayor in Washington, DC; 2) CDA Special Call Meeting Aug. 3, 2010; 3) Mr. Smith requested discussion of funding for CDA. 3) Mr. Thomas mentioned Collegiate Bass Tournament was won by the University of Alabama.
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