Note item -W- on the agenda. "Motion to approve a $.89 (89cents) per hour cost of living increase for all county employees including elected officials." The motion carried and was approved. Daily Sentinel Article: http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=04c39fb548ec8965 kudos to Commissioner Clemmons for voting NO on this issue. This will cost the citizens $450K plus.
The Code of Alabama Section 11-2A-4 states the following in regard to "Compensation of Increases."(a) " Beginning with the fiscal year commencing on October 1, 2001, the local officials covered by this chapter shall be entitled to the same uniform increases in compensation, including cost-of-living increases, longevity increases, merit raises, and bonuses that are granted to county employees by the county commission at the time of the approval of the county budget. The increases shall be in the same amount or percentage, as the case may be, as that amount or percentage increase provided to the county's employees; provided, however, no tax assessor, tax collector, revenue commissioner, license commissioner, elected assistant tax assessor, or elected assistant tax collector shall receive an expense allowance as provided in subdivision (3) of Section 11-2A-2 and an increase under this subsection in the same fiscal year."
89 cents per hour for each county hourly wage employee equates to how much money for the elected and appointed officials? I could understand a 2-3% percentage increase, but a 89 cents per hour raise for elected officials? Exactly how much money are the commissioners hiding in their personal cost of living increase? Could this equate to an excessive 6%-9% cost of living increase?
Ken Bonner, Managing Editor of The Daily Sentinel, in an OpEd article on September the 14th raises important points. http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=098ada9d52c9c80e "The proposal, by Jack Allen, is to give every employee (and there are approximately 245 of them) an 89 cent an hour raise...in today’s economy many people in Jackson County and across the country have gone without raises for some time. ...My point — before using local tax dollars when revenue is down — think long and hard. ...Under Allen’s proposal the county would be out slightly over $453,000 to fund the raises. That’s not chump change and it can’t be taken away." In closing Ken says, "I’m just trying to make sense of it. Help me if you can. "
Ken, there is no sense in it, it is another example of another irresponsible management decision on the part of the current Jackson County Commission. One exception, District 4 Commissioner Horrace Clemmons voted NO on the issue.
Item X on the agenda, the Jackson County Commission voted to close the South entrance to the Court House. Sheriff Miller stated that he would have to terminate 2 employees as the county Commission will not fund the security position. http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=3a198db43d5d87c0
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