There were two sessions in tonights City Council meeting, a work session and a regular meeting afterwords. I will list if the work session item was approved during the regular council meeting.
1) County Commissioner Horrace Clemmons appeared before the City Council to request that the City of Scottsboro pay for the cleanup of the rest room at First Monday. He stated he had received several complaints that the rest room was dirty and created a bad image for the county and city. Clemmons stated if the city will not clean up the rest room the commission will close the facility. Council President Matthew Hodges stated the Administrative Committee will take the issue under advisement. Daily Sentinel article: http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=b48a4c03807f9c58
My Comments: First Monday has been a 100 year plus tradition in Jackson County. The current political administration of the City and County have utilized First Monday as a political football. The city has refused to provide advertising for the event except on their web site which contains inaccurate information. Now the county comes forth after spending near $500,000 dollars in pay increases over and beyond any reasonability and refuses to clean that which is their responsibility to clean. It is the county commissions responsibility to serve the people not themselves.
The First Monday event brings visitors to our town which produces tax revenue. Scottsboro and Jackson County are known for the traditional First Monday event. First Monday has become a political football for local politicians. Local politicians have turned a positive event which represents Scottsboro and Jackson County into just another place in which politicians ruin tradition and tourism opportunities. The County Commissioners have a responsibility to keep the rest rooms open and clean them. A rest room with running water must be made available in order that people may wash their hands. For County Commissioner Horrace Clemmons to say it is the city's responsibility to clean county property is beyond ridiculous, it is just plain stupid. Hand washing prevents disease, porta-toilets do not have hand washing facilities.
Hopefully, the Scottsboro City Council will demonstrate better sense than the self serving, irresponsible Jackson County Commission.
2) Sheila Shepard from the Jackson County Economic Development Authority, EDA, made a presentation concerning an Enterprise Zone designation to provide Tax Free incentives to business and industry locating in Jackson County and Scottsboro. The designation of an Enterprise Zone was approved by the City Council. EDA site describes the various incentives. http://www.jacksoncountyeda.org/incentives.html 3) The City Finance Director, Rick Wheeler, made a presentation concerning changing the City Business License. There will be 5 additional business classifications added to the city business license. 4)Charles King, City Engineer, discussed zoning change request for a parcel of land located on Hwy 35 in Larkinsville. The City Council approved a Public Hearing date of October 11, 2010 for the rezoning issue. 5) Police Chief Dawe made presentation concerning the annual closing of Micah Way for the Scottsboro Track and Field Event on Sep. 18 2010. The portion of Micah Way from the Wal-Mart Shopping Center Northeast entrance to the high school entrance will be closed from 8AM to 6PM on Saturday Sep 18th. The City Council approved the closing at the regular session. 6) Fuel Supply bids were opened, JAT Oil & Supply of Chattanooga, Tn. was the lowest bidder. The council approved the bid. 7) Bid opening for oil & lubricant supplies was awarded to PARMA Energy Corporation of Chattanooga, Tn. as being the lowest bidder. 8) Mr. David Long made presentation concerning Chevy Lane paving. Chevy Lane is located between Long Hollow Rd and Hwy. 35. Mr. Long stated the city had been paving this road and making repairs for many years but has stopped. Apparently there is a question of whether the road is in the city inventory of roads or is a private roadway. The city attorney will be looking into this matter. 9) Certificate of Election was presented to winners of the recent city election. Council Member Keith Smith was present as was newly elected School Board member David Eustace. (Photo's above)
>Reports: 1) Mayor stated That there will be an observance of National Constitution Week, Friday September 17, 2010 is Constitution Day. http://www.constitutionday.com/ 2) Discusion of Flood issue on Maples Street. FEMA Grant money available, cost share, city will provide 25% and FEMA will provide 75%.. This concerns the purchasing of property in the flood area. Previous articles on the issue. The Flood-- http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/08/scottsboro-residents-upset-over-long.html and A Helping Hand--http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/08/city-council-meeting-monday-august-23.html 3) Mayor Potter discussed the Planning Project related to frontage roads along U.S. Hwy 72. Mayor Potter stated their are $6 million dollars in Recovery Zone Funds available in Alabama. These are reduced interest Bond Loans, the Fed will pay for 45% of the loan interest. The Mayor took a bold step to recommend that the $6 million dollars be utilized to complete the planning of service roads along Hwy 72 and for the city to build the service roads with the Recovery Zone Act bonds. My comments: Bravo Mayor, absolutely, this is a bold but necessary move to provide infra-structure improvements. Part of the money should be utilized to fund improvements relative to the flooding on the North Side of the Tracks along Maple Street and other needed projects in the orginal, historical part of town. Pevious articles related to planning along Hwy. 72. June 22, 2010-- http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/06/scottsboro-city-council-work-session.html July 20, 2010-- http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/07/scottsboro-city-council-what-is-cda.html
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